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City got more tourists from West China
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/09 10:18  解放日报

  Shanghai received some 3.6million tourists from home and abroad during the week-long International Labor Day holidays,8.4percent more than last year,the municipal Tourism Commission said yesterday.

  The total revenue in the sector reached 2.12billion yuan (USmillion)during the period,14percent over a year earlier,officials said.

  Officials with the Shanghai Railway Stations said tourists from China?ˉs western and northern China largely increased this year.The city is attracting more west China people who are interested in its economic development and the exchanges between western areas and more developed costal areas are more active now,they said.

  The city?ˉs star-hotels had an average occupation rate of 80percent during the holidays,five percent higher than last year.

  The most frequently visited places included Oriental Pearl Tower,Jinmao Tower,Shanghai Ocean Aquarium,the Science and Technology Museum,the Bund sightseeing Tunnel,the Century Park and the Wild Insect Museum,which received totaling 750,000tourists.

  Meanwhile,the largest percent of local people leaving the city during the holidays had destinations in southern China like Guangzhou,Shenzhen in Guangdong Province,Guiling in Guangxi Province and Kunming in Yunan Province.




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