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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年4期 > 声音的形状

Shape of Sounds
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/13 13:16  《英语学习》

  What does a circle sound like? Although the question may sound strange, a new study indicates you already know the answer. Experimental psychologists Michael Turvey and Andrew Kunkler-Peck of the University of Connecticut hid various objects behind a screen, struck them, and let them resonate while asgroupsof subjects listened on. Participants could consistently discern the size and shape they were hearing, distinguishing circles from triangles or medium-sized rectangles from long and narrow ones. The composition of the pieces—whether wood, steel, or plexiglas—didn't affect the results."The vibrations of any struck object have a structure that depends on the boundaries of the object, and our hearing system is attuned to pick that out,"Turvey says. People might learn this skill unconsciously by associating sounds with visual events, but Turvey suspects humans are naturally attuned to the topological* meanings of sounds. "I guess that blind people would still do well on these kinds of tests."he says.



《英语学习》2002年4期 专题


* topology:拓朴学,数学的一个分支,研究几何图形在连续改变形状时还能保持不变的一些特性,它只考虑物体间的位置关系而不考虑它们的距离和大小。


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