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Illegals disappearing daily
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/05/28 10:28  金羊网-新快报

  AT least 213 asylum seekers are now disappearing to live illegally in Britain every DAY, a union chief said.

   Shock new figures claimed 87,000 were refused permission to stay in Britain last year—but only 9,000 were deported or were known to have left the country. That meant around 6,500 a month—or 213 daily—get“lost”.

   The figures emerged as French security was exposed as a farce—with whole families casually strollingsintosa freight terminal to hide on trains heading for Britain.

   In one incident, asgroupswith babes in arms spent two hours inside a wagon waiting for the train to leave. But they got so bored they returned to Calais’s Sangatte refugee centre for supper—before heading back to the freight depot to try AGAIN.

   The crisis of refugees disappearing once they get to England is getting worse. Over the past three years, 150,000 were estimated to have vanished, around 137 a day. In the past 12 years, the figure was estimated at 276,214, or 63 a day.

   It was also revealed that illegal immigrants found wandering the streets of Kent are being allowed to go free. Many are simply given directions to immigration process centres like the one at Croydon, South London. But only a few go.

英国非法移民玩失踪 每天消失两百人









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