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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 聚焦英语丛书--《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》 > 反身代词

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/07 11:31  新浪教育

  反身代词包括:myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, themselves, itself.其构成是:形容词性物主代词(或宾格)+self(单数)或selves(复数)构成,可以做表语、宾语、主补,并用于强调句和某些固定短语。


  President Clinton himself visited China and he talked with President Jiang about the strategic partnership between China and America.

  You'd better finish the task by yourself, for independence is quite important.

  Take it easy, why don't you be yourself?

  I was on vocation in France last month and I enjoyed myself.He was beside himself with anger.

物主代词(2002/06/06/ 12:01)
人称代词(2002/06/05/ 16:11)
练习题(2002/05/27/ 18:13)
短语动词(2002/05/24/ 15:10)
练习题(2002/05/23/ 12:55)
聚焦英语丛书-- 《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》 专题



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