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Luck runs out for chocolate cake thief
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/11 06:37  金羊网-新快报

  It was a tasty heist while it lasted.

   For four straight mornings, a thief with a sweet tooth rushedsintosa pastry shop in Mexico City and held up the duty employee at knifepoint before making off with a chocolate cake.

   His mistake, however, was to pounce every day at 8 a.m. sharp. So, on Tuesday(June 4), the "Azteca" pastry shop''s manager called in the police a few minutes ahead of time and they nabbed the thief as he tried to pull off the cake heist for a fifth straight day.

   "He arrived at the pastry shop armed with a knife and again demanded his cake from the employee, but when he tried to escape he was arrested by the police," Mexico City''s police department said in a statement.

   It said the thief, identified as Evaristo Perez, and the chocolate cake were then both handed over to judicial authorities.

行窃只为巧克力蛋糕 馋嘴笨贼终失手






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