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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/14 08:53  《英语学习》

  By Stephen Hawking 国华 树春 译注



  In the new millennium I want to see disabled people acquiring the same degree of control over their lives<注1> that other people have. To be disabled is to be no less human<注2> than anyone else, but far too often<注3> disabled people still have their lives ruled by others. No able-bodied person would put up with it.<注4>

  Access to<注5> intellectual<注6> opportunities and jobs as well as<注7> buildings and public transport need to be regarded as rights, not gifts society is generous enough<注8> to bestow on disabled people. Institutions are generally willing to adapt their buildings, but only when a disabled person needs them—and afterwards you hear grumbles that the money was wasted because "you never see" a disabled person using the new facilities. That's simplistic:<注9> just widening a door or putting up<注10> a ramp doesn't mean a building is accessible<注11> if<注12> once you get through the door you still can't see, hear or use its services or enjoy the entertainment.

  The record<注13> is appalling. Even the recent Disability Discrimination Act<注14> fails to cover areas like education and transport, areas that are absolutely crucial if full citizen's rights<注15> are to be extended to the disabled. Until recently people with disabilities were not legally allowed<注16> to use the London Underground. Now there are a few stops, but still not remotely enough.<注17>

  Inequities like these can be rectified in the next century, but it's going to require political will<注18> and real investment of resources. Cambridge<注19> has made a start on making education accessible<注20> by establishing Bridget's Hostel which can take the severely disabled and ill, including quadraplegic students and students with deteriorating conditions.<注21>

  One of the keys is obviously technology, but much of the electronic gadgetry we need to dismantle barriers to the disabled is in fact already in place.<注22> We have voice-activated lifts,<注23> emergency call units,<注24> and voice-or switch-activated environmental control systems that manipulate a person's environment.

  All are innovations that<注25> could really make a difference to the daily lives of people with disabilities, but the technology is vastly under-utilised<注26> because most of it costs too much. Wheelchairs, lifts and computers can be prohibitively expensive:<注27> even a specially adapted sink can cost£7,000!

  Speech recognition technology is tremendous—we'll soon be talking to our computers, not fiddling about with<注28> a mouse and keyboard—but the expense means it's not available to most people who need it. Then, because so few people with disabilities use new technology, you get the misconception developing that it's not needed.

  Disability rights campaigners are understandably becoming more and more vocal,<注29> and it won't be long before our current ways of thinking are transformed. Access and quality of life<注30> are fundamental aspects of civil rights,<注31> and governments everywhere are going to come increasingly under pressure to provide services guaranteeing those rights. Why should we have to go cap in hand<注32> to get a modern<注33> wheelchair or specially adapted toilet, and be treated as recipients of charity.<注34> All people with disabilities want to do is be given the chance to play a normal role in society.

  If in a generation's time<注35> disabled people can enter every building through the front door like everyone else, rather than be heaved<注36> through a side-door up the delivery-ramp<注37> and freight-lift, I'd call that<注38> real progress. But it's not enough. Once<注39> we're through those doors, there is still a long, long way to go.-

  (From CAM: Cambridge Alumni Magazine, No.28,1999)

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《英语学习》2002年5期 专题


1. the...lives:直译‘对他们生活控制的同样程度’听起来别扭,不如译成“与……一样驾驭自己生活的能力”。

2. less human:‘不是合格的人’,即“低人一等”。

3. far too often:“太多时候”或“……的情况比比皆是”。

4 . put up with it:从语法上讲,it指前面far too often引出的句子;从上下文看,实际应指having one's life ruled by others。

5. Access to:根据不同的上下文,可译成“能达到/进入/获得/使用”。

6. intellectual:这里可以当‘受教育’理解。

7. as well as:这个词组后面的部分为基本部分,译成汉语时一般应放在前面。如在本句里,应译成“不仅要能进入建筑物,使用公共交通工具,而且要有受教育的机会,能获得工作”。

8. enough:表示程度,这里不必直接译出。

9. That is simplistic:That指上一句所表达的看问题的方法。

10. putting up:修建。

11. accessible:这里最好点明是“可供残疾人使用”。

12. if:英语的条件句译成汉语一般要放在主句之前,这里放在主句前不合适,不如译成原因句,句中加上“不一定”,意思与条件句差不多。

13. record:直译成‘记录’意思不清楚,这里实际指“残疾人的境遇”。

14. Disability Discrimination Act:原文字面上看不出有“反”(歧视)的意思,但立法者的意图显然是反对歧视,因此译文中应把“反”的意思补出来。

15. full citizen's rights:=the full rights of citizenship(公民的全部权利)。

16. were legally allowed:这里可以译成主动句“法律才允许……”或“……才在法律上获得……的权利”。

17.not remotely enough:=far from enough(远远不够)。

18. will:‘决心’或‘意志’。

19. Cambridge:这里指“剑桥大学”。

20. accessible:这里的‘可获得’实际就是“让残疾人获得”。

21. conditions:这里指‘病况’。

22. in place:相当于中文的‘到位’,这里可译成“已研发出来”。

23. voice-activated lifts:声控升降机。

24. emergency call units:紧急呼叫装置。

25. All are innovations that...:如译成与原句对应的结构“所有这些都是……的发明”,修饰成分显得太长,不如打破原句结构,译成“所有这些发明都可能真正地改变残疾人的日常生活”。

26. under-utilised:没有得到充分利用。

27. prohibitively expensive:‘禁止性地昂贵’也就是“昂贵得让人不敢问津”。

28. fiddle about with:摆弄,拨弄。

29. Disability...vocal:直译是“残疾人权利运动人士……声音越来越大”,换一种说法就是“争取残疾人权利的呼声越来越高”。

30. Access...life:从上下文看,access这里指“享用公共设施”。后面的quality of life译成“生活质量”与前面“享用公共设施”不匹配,不如译成“保障生活质量”。

31. fundamental...rights:“公民权利的基本方面”也就是“基本的公民权利”。

32. go cap in hand:乞丐行乞时,常手拿帽子,让人把钱投到帽子里,这样go cap in hand就成为“乞讨”的另一种说法。

33. modern:这里与‘先进’或‘新式’意思更为接近。

34. recipients of charity:“施舍的对象”。

35. a generation's time:‘一代人的时间’也就是“二、三十年”。

36. heave:这个词的意思是‘一齐用力抬/搬’。

37. delivery-ramp:送货坡道。

38. I'd call that:比‘我愿称那’更自然的说法是“那才算是”。

39. Once:通常对应‘一旦、一经’,这里可以译成“……后”。


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