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Enron Scandal Gives Rise to New Verb
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/19 09:50  《英语学习》

  First Enron was a company. Then it was a scandal. Now it is a transitive verb. Senate Democratic Majority Leader Tom Daschle, asked by reporters about the federal budget and dwindling plus, responded that he did not want to“Enron”the American people.“I don't want to Enron the American people,”he said.“I don't want to destroy their Social Security system, I don't want to destroy their Medicare system, I don't want to destroy their ultimate ability to look with confidence at their retirement,”he said. Enron Corp. is the huge Houston-based energy trading company that recently declared the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Numerous House and Senate panels are probing its collapse, in which investors lost millions and Enron workers lost their jobs and in many cases their pensions.



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《英语学习》2002年5期 专题



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