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Chew on Becks's sausage
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/24 09:58  金羊网-新快报

   Here's something that might appeal to lady England fans - a chance to sink your teethsintosDavid Beckham's sausage.

  At least that's if you believe the manufacturers of the eight-inch meaty treat - known as the World Cup Bender - which went on sale on 1st June.

  They reckon the pork chipolata mirrors the exact curve of the England captain's famous free-kick against Greece which booked the team's place in the World Cup finals.

  It is said that flight engineers helped map the trajectory of the England captain's curler - resulting in the perfect porky specimen.

  Bill Crowther, an aerospace engineering lecturer at the University of Manchester, has been studying the science behind football free-kicks for the last three years with computer simulations.

  Using the same technology he analysed the flight of Beckham's kick, and apparently even checked the results in a wind tunnel.







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