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Queen's Wrinkles “Vanish”
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/06/26 09:42  金羊网-新快报

  The Queen has something else to smile about in her Golden Jubilee year,the latest royal photo makes her look just 40. Every line on the 76-year-old face seems to have vanished in this picture officially released on 27.

  But Her Majesty has not discovered a miraculous new brand of anti-wrinkle cream,the picture has been digitally enhanced.It was taken by top celebrity photographer Rankin,who is more used to snapping the likes of Madonna and Kylie Minogue.The photo against a Union Jack background has raised eyebrows among some critics because it shows the Queen with an unnatural youthful glow.

  Rankin explains that he had always intended to take at least 20 years off her age by removing all her lines and wrinkles from the picture digitally.

  The Queen is on the Isle of Skye today as part of her Golden Jubilee tour of Britain. She has been in Scotland for the last few days and will also be taking in Stornaway, Aberdeen and Edinburgh before returning to London later in the week to prepare for the main Jubilee Weekend at Buckingham Palace.








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