Koreans dismiss plot theory

http://www.sina.com.cn   2002年07月02日 10:14   环球网


  英文原文:BBCNEWS 24 June,2002

  Koreans dismiss plot theory

  South Korean coach Guus Hiddink has angrily rejected suggestions the World Cup co-hosts are being aided by a conspiracy.Portugal and Spain protested about controversial de-cisions in their matches against the co-hosts,with Italy even going so far as to claim there is a high-level plot to ensure a home win.But he thinks South Korea's defeated opponents should look at their own shortcomings first.He said,″We could mention a lot of incidents where we have not had the benefit.It'shap-pened in previous games when there was a situation for a red card, but the referee didn't see it and we accepted that.″







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