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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 《英语学习》2002年6期 > 有衔饮水饱

'Up-Titling' Keeps Workers Poor but Happy
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/12 09:37  《英语学习》


  British workers are being given bigger job titles rather than bigger salaries as cash-strapped companies try to keep employees happy, according to a newly published survey. Examples of the phenomenon dubbed "up-titling" include a receptionist rebranded as "Head of Verbal Telecommunications" and a window cleaner given the impressive designation of "Optical Illuminator Enhancer." "The research demonstrates how motivational it can be to gain a prestigious job title," said Paul Rapacioli, director of employment agency Reed's Internet service, which carried out the survey. He said companies were using the fancy titles as an incentive to retain staff rather than pay them more at a time of economic uncertainty. Businesses seeking "Stock Replenishment Executives" were actually looking for shelf stackers and successful candidates for a post as "Technical Sanitation Assistant" would find themselves cleaning washrooms. "Up-titling" seems to have won converts. Of the 1,700 workers Reed surveyed, around half thought a better job title would make them happier even if there was no change in what they actually did. "People view a grander title as recognition of their contribution to the organization and feel more committed as a result," Rapacioli said.


  Remarks:看起来有点好笑,对吗?可是,那些为封侯拜相而沾沾自喜的人,和这些up-titled people又有多大区别呢?

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《英语学习》2002年6期 专题



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