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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 启蒙心智:找出异禀,活出自己(2)

Finding Your Beautiful Mind II
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/15 10:03  空中美语


  Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences is certainly interesting, but why is it important? The answer is simple: When people know which intelligences they possess, they can begin to better understand how they learn, and which methods of learning suit them best.

  For example, if someone is good at sketching or painting, they probably possess“visual intelligence,”and will therefore be a“visual learner.”Once people recognize their learning style, they can build on it.

  Illustrating ideas as pictures and using colored pens to highlight important points in reading material are both ways of learning that work well for visual learners. People can maximize their potential and strengthen their other intelligences if they are aware of which intelligence is their strong suit.

  When it comes to learning, one size does not fit all. Becoming more familiar with your particular learning style could open up doors in your mind that you never knew existed.








  1. sketch v.素描

  2. visual adj.视觉的

  3. highlight v.使显著;强调

  Language Focus

  Pattern A

  ..., who think in words rather than in pictures.

  句型:(1) A + rather than + B

  (2) Rather than + N/Ving, S + V ...

  解析:(1) A rather than B作“是A而不是B”解,A、B须用平行结构,比如名词对名词,形容词对形容词。注意:若A带有不定词,则B部分的不定词可省略to。

  (2) rather than可与instead of替换使用(尤其是置于句首时),其用法及意思都相同,后面接名词或动名词。

  例1:I’d prefer to go there on a crowded train rather than on an airplane.


  例2:Rather than criticizing your boyfriend, why not find out if there’s something wrong?


  Pattern B

  When it comes to learning, one size does not fit all.

  句型:When it comes to +N, S + V ...

  Speaking of Ving

  Talking of

  解析:when it comes to“说到…;论及…”用来引入一个主题。To在此作介词用,其后接名词或动名词。When it comes to也可以用speaking of/ talking of取代,意义与用法都相同。

  例1:When it comes to charisma, George is without parallel.


  例2:Speaking of studying hard, Gary burns the midnight oil almost every night.




  1. We will walk to the store.

  We will not drive there


  2. I don’t want to waste my time fixing it myself.

  I’d prefer to call in a plumber.




  1. _______________ of ______________ , Chen Ching-feng, with his power and speed, is very _____________ to play in the major league this season.


  2. When it comes to _____________ , no one could be more __________ than Brian.




  1. rather than


  2. when it comes to


  3. familiar with


  Language Focus_答案:

  1. We will walk to the store rather than drive there.

  2. Rather than wasting my time fixing it myself, I’d prefer to call in a plumber.

  1. Speaking/ Talking; potential; likely

  2. speaking; eloquent

  1. I would say Elva is a popular singer rather than a talented one.

  2. When it comes to names, no one has one like Fanny White.

  3. My father is an engineer, and very familiar with computers.


  Reading Question

  After reading the article, choose the best answer to each question.

  1. What does Howard Gardner discuss in his book,“Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences”

  (A) How to be frustrated.

  (B) How to be organized.

  (C) New ideas about the human mind.

  (D) New ideas about cultivating friendships.

  2. What would someone with verbal intelligence be best at?

  (A) Writing, drawing, and coloring.

  (B) Remembering information, writing, and storytelling.

  (C) Storytelling, identifying, and explaining.

  (D) Remembering names, writing, and organizing.

  3. Why is Gardner’s theory important?

  (A) Because it can help people understand which methods of learning suit them best.

  (B) Because it is interesting.

  (C) Because it helps people become familiar with each other.

  (D) Because it is proven.

  4. What can people maximize by being aware of their intelligences?

  (A) Their illustrations.

  (B) Their colored pens.

  (C) Their potential.

  (D) Their possessions.

  Reading Questions_答案: C B A C

启蒙心智:找出异禀,活出自己(1) (2002/07/04 10:11)
when it comes to/说到……(2002/07/15/ 13:18)
Can/解雇(2002/07/15/ 13:13)
Joke:An extremely loyal fan(2002/07/12/ 15:56)
Have words(with someone)/(和某人)争吵(2002/07/12/ 13:19)
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空中美语 专栏


1. suit
v. to be right or beneficial适合
I think art school would really suit Alice.

2. build on
phr. V. to use sth. as a foundation for further progress建立于;基于
Once you learn the basics of good writing, you can build on those skills.

3. potential
n. necessary ability or quality to become successful潜力
He has the potential to be a great musician.

4. strengthen
v. to make sth. stronger and more powerful加强,巩固
Practicing my English helps me strengthen my language skills.

5. when it comes to
on the subject of说到…
When it comes to rock music, Aerosmith is my favorite band.

6. familiar
adj. closely-acquainted熟悉的
I am familiar with Beijng because I used to live there.


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