7月16日多伦多托福机考实录 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/19 10:49 寄托天下 |
I got (26, 13-30, 28) in today’s test. The result is quite similar to my exercise with PP2. Thanks for the fore-tester, I met some JJ in today’s listening. In fact, the only useful part of JJ is listening. Because this is the most difficult part. And you definitely will meet some JJ if you have reviewed all the JJ within half years. To be frank, I think JJ really helped me a lot in that it can make me calm down. In case difficult, I guess the choices according to JJ. Today’s JJ: Listening: 1. A girl wants to buy used furniture for her newly rented apartment. (old JJ) 2. Rats act extremely under extreme environment, they compete and are hostile to each other, there’s a“safety area”. So scientist drew the conclusion that animals act extremely under extreme environment. But experiment with primate (monkey) extends or doesn’t agree to this conclusion. Primate cooperate with each other…. (old JJ) 3.管理学 一个老师2个学生讨论怎样提高公司员工的效率,先说管理者用了negative stimulus,让员工效率提高, but it can not last long(有题),一个学生提到1工作环境2薪水3同事关系会让员工fill satisfied, but can not be stimulus. The stimulus can提高效率are opportunity to get trained, recognition and achievement. 4.长对话 男的误了一节课,女的问怎么了,男说他的schedule上,没有把这次课的时间写上,所以没来(有题)。女说,你惨了,老师复习了一堆东西(好像是划重点吧,有题),还说下次要考试,然后说借笔记给男的。男的非常感谢,要copy女的的笔记(有题) 5.墨西哥湾和上游farmer的关系,说上游用化肥,流到湾里。海藻多,然后死了以后细菌多了,鱼跑的快,可crab and snail就不这么幸运了(这有题)。见前人寂静。 6.astroid and Trojan, Jupiter, Pls check Old JJ, this talk is quite hard to listen clearly. 7.Anthropoly: Scientists considered that a nation could make textile far before they original thought. Because some clothes on the stone statue was mistaken to be tattoo and hair (2 choice), and…, making textile is more complex than hunting because…. 8.段子,老师和学生讨论。老师讲到到一个美国画画的流派,叫“哈德迅河派”,其实创作题材不仅仅限制在纽约州,还有西部的题材。该流派的特点是,纤毫毕现,比如某画家画的画,连树叶都画得清清楚楚(有考题,举例子作什么用?说明该流派画画非常EXACTLY精细)。由于当时又没有摄影等记录手段,所以科学家用该流派的画来进行科学研究(有考题,为什么用)。还举了另外一个画家的画。后来,科学家又不用这些画来进行研究了,因为出现了精确的记录手段,而这些画尽管精细但还是不够精细(有考题,为什么不用)。 Writing I’m so regretful that I haven’t prepare a lot on this part, I even had no time left to go over the article to check grammar and spelling. I may only get 4. If so, I may take another test next month. Agree or disagree: teachers should be paid according to how much students learn. 作者:flying_pipi |
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