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Moving of dairy farm slated for September
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/22 10:32  解放日报

  Shanghai No. 4 Dairy Farm in Jiading District will move to Fengxian District by September, it was announced yesterday.

  The move follows repeated complaints about strong stench of cow dung and a general unhealthy atmosphere prevalent in the area.

  The dairy farm said that when the farm was started in 1958, the effort then was to meet the demand for fresh milk in the city. It said no effort was made to treat animal wastes.

  "The problem became more prominent in recent years when the animal number and the number of residents began to rise," said Chen Baoxiang, manager of the Shanghai Dairy Corp., parent of the farm.

  The farms at Fengxian District are more environment-friendly and have taken steps to handle animal wastes and other issues.

  The No. 4 farm has 1,762 cows and is the second-largest supplier of fresh milk to local dairy producers. The animals will be moved to three different farms in Fengxian District, all with environmentally sound treatment facilities.

  According to the Shanghai Agricultural Commission, the Jiading farm is one of the 100 livestock farms in the city to be shut down by 2005.




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