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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 聚焦英语丛书--《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》 > 不使用一般将来时态的问题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/24 13:20  考试Cooo网

  在英语中,时态与时间有关系,但时态又不等同于时间。所以,应注意下面几节讨论的时态问题。1)在由when, if, after, before, although, as soon as, because, as, even if, in case, though, till, until, unless, so long as, where, whatever, wherever等连词,以及副词(起连词作用)immediately, the moment, directly等引导的状语从句中,用一般现在时态代替一般将来时态。


  If it isn't too much trouble, I'd love a cup of tea.Whatever happens, you should keep coolheaded.I shan't do that until you come back.Immediately his intentions are understood, he will leave.Once you have drunk that brand of whisky, you will never want to drink any other.2)动词go, leave, arrive, come, meet, return, start, stay, do, dine, give, have, pay, join, punish, spend, sleep, take, die, publish等,可以用现在进行时表示一个在最近按计划或安排进行的动作。


  Call a doctor quickly. The old man is dying.

  We are meeting him after the performance.How many of you are coming to the party?A foreign guest is giving a lecture in English this afternoon.They are publishing a new translation of the novel this autumn.

将来完成时(2002/07/23/ 13:00)
过去将来时(2002/07/22/ 13:26)
一般将来时(2002/07/19/ 13:58)
过去进行时(2002/07/18/ 13:15)
现在进行时(2002/07/17/ 14:11)
聚焦英语丛书-- 《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》 专题



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