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Top 10 Signs You've Got A Bad ISP
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/07/25 14:00  空中美语

  1.Their company logo is two tin cans and a length of string.

  2.You check out their address, and it's a phone booth containing a Compaq portable and an acoustic coupler.

  3. Their chief technical officer lives in a 10-foot-by-7-foot shack in the woods.

  4. Their proud boast: "We've been on the Internet since it was CB radio."

  5. Their promo materials use the words "information" and "superhighway" in the same sentence.

  6. Yousgroupsan SLIP/PPP connection, email, and 2MB of server space for your personal Web site, and the voice on the other end of the phone asks, "Would you like fries with that?"

  7. "As seen in Better Business Bureau special reports."

  8. "Access speeds up to 9,600 BPS in most areas."

  9. They hawk both domain names and Rolexes on the street corner.

  10. They charge for e-mail and downloads by the word.

Know the ropes/懂得运用的秘诀(2002/07/25/ 13:57)
星星知我心:宜家宜室的巨蟹座(1)(2002/07/25/ 09:51)
Have one's hands full/非常忙碌(2002/07/24/ 15:36)
文学:Tell Me A Story/从前有座山(2002/07/24/ 10:02)
Born yesterday/易上当的(2002/07/23/ 11:51)
It did a fat lot of good/这一点儿好处也没有(2002/07/23/ 11:49)
空中美语 专栏



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