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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 中国周刊(2002年1月号) > Painter-Zhong Zhifu

Painter-Zhong Zhifu
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/07 13:14  中国周刊

  Zhong Zhifu(1914-1994),Beijing native of Manchu,was a well-known painter of flower and bird drawing,as well as professor of Lu Xun Art academy.

  Engaging in the creation and teaching of flower and bird drawing for decades,Zhong accumulated rich art experience and possessed unique style and profound painting skill evidenced by his numerous works.His paintings,having been on show in Japan,the United States,Britain and France,enjyos high praise with its proficient and various brushwork,perfect and alive color.Thanks for his endeavor,a great number of painters were brought up.In a word,Zhong contributed much for the development of Chinese fine painting.

  Sping Moring

     Peony              Butterfly over fragrance



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