Dr. Moustapha Saphariny
Ambassador of the State of Palestine to PR China
Adviser of the Palestinian President (South East Asian affairs)Chairman of the Arab Information Cultural Committee
Born in 1951 in Palestine, Dr. Moustapha Saphariny came to China in 1968 working in the Representative Office of Palestine in China. In 1990s, he was sent to Laos and Democratic People's Republic of Korea as the Ambassador. In 1992, President Arafat appointed him as the Ambassador to PR China.
Journalist: Mr Ambassador, as we all know, Israeli troops started their massive aggression against the Palestinian controlled areas on March 29. Israeli troops have killed and arrested many Palestinians in the military aggression. Would you give your opinion on this?
Ambassador: first, I am very grateful for the concern of Chinese people for Palistinian People. As we all know, the Mideast situation with the problem as its key leaves much effect to the peace and steady of the world. In my opinion, only the problem of Palestine is resolved fairly can the long and complete peace can be achieved. Palestinian people are the people of love-peace. We agreed to resolve the problem peacefully with Israel at the end of the last century under the promise of the international community to ensure the security of Palestine. In 1990s, an international conference was convened in Madrid, Capital of Spain, paving the way of peace in the Mideast. At the beginning of the peace process, say, when Mr Robin was the Prime Minister of Israel, we achieved a great number of results for peace. But the extremist of Israel murdered Mr Robin and killed the peace in the Mideast.
Journalist: What's you comment on the "body bomb" which was portrayed by Ariel Sharon as terrorist?
Ambassador:I have lived and worked in China for many years. I believe Chinese people understand the feeling of Palestine because China has ever been ravaged by foreign aggression. Heroic and great Chinese people contribute their lives for the national independence and the freedom of the people. As we all know, Israel has occupied the territory of Palestine for a long age. No person like death, so do Palestinian people. But under the barbaric killing and ravage of Israel, what can Palestinian people do when their family, their couples were killed by the guns of Israel? What they can do when invaders occupied their territory? What can they do when their President was besieged in the basement? We also have the national sensibility. We have to resist the aggression. Israel army is the fourth force in the world. If we have weapon, we can use it to fight invasion. But we have no army and no advance weapons because we put down weapons under the promise of the international community. But now the international community did little when innocent Palestinian civilians were killed by the Israeli army Many persons have to use our body to fight invader for their killed relatives and for their occupied country. We cannot call the resistance as terrorism because we simply want to drove the invader out the territory of Palestine and stop the killing of Israel army. Israel is the terrorist state because Israle occupied our country and slaughter our people madly. We also call on the international community to keep their promise for Palestine for the early peace in the Mideast. We want a complete, fair and long-lasting peace with Israel and Israeli people. We hope Israel carry out the resolutions of the United Nations.
Israel refused to accept the Arab peace plan endorsed on March 28 at the just-concluded 14th Arab summit in the Lebanese capital of Beirut. What's your comment?
The Arab peace plan, based on a Saudi peace initiative, offers Israel normal relations with Arabs in exchange for its withdrawal from all occupied Arab land, acceptance of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and a fair solution for the Palestinian refugees.
Sharon rejected any right of return for the Palestinian refugees and any full withdrawal from occupied Arab territories. This fully demonstrated he has no sincerity to achieve peace with Palestine.
Journalist: What about the condition of President of Arafat?
Ambassador:President Arafat is the leader of Palestine and Palestinian people, who was besieged by the Israeli army. It is regret that the international community took nothing effective to stop the wanton invasion. But the violence, the invasion and killing cannot scare away the Palestinian people. The history of the past decades has approved this.
the leaders of many countries call for Israel to end the barbarous assaults and withdraw. the U.N. Security Council repeated their call for a ceasefire and the immediate withdrawal of israeli forces from Palestinian cities.The Chinese government opposes and condemns the barbarous aggression of Palestine by Israel, and China calls on Israel to implement relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions immediately and without any condition. The European Union would discuss introducing possible sanctions against Israel if it went on rejecting calls for a cease-fire.Protests against Israel also intensified across the Middle East on April 8 in Amman and Cairo. Outside of Cairo, protests erupted in various Egyptian cities including Alexandria and Sohag, along the Nile.Even in Kuwait, the Parliament issued a statement suggesting that Washington be fairer in dealing with the conflict. On the surface, Sharon contains President Arafat in his office, but in fact President contains Sharon in the condemning of the world just people.