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"Office Rage'' -- Feel Like Punching a Colleague?
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/19 09:45  金羊网-新快报

  Half of Britain''s stressed-out office workers say they have come close to punching a colleague, according to a survey published August 14.

   Overwork, faulty computers and annoying workmates were the main cause of "office rage" -- and women are more likely to snap than men.

   "Our research shows that common occurrences such as broken computers and interruptions can push people over the edge at work," said Tim Watts, chairman of Pertemps, the British recruitment agency which commissioned the survey.

   The report found 51 percent of women had nearly punched a colleague, compared to 39 percent of the men questioned.

   Three quarters of workers felt they worked less productively in a bad mood. Some 15 percent said fear of making a mistake when their boss was angry made them work more slowly.

   Pertemps said employees can cut tension by avoiding gossip, talking to managers and not disturbing colleagues.

   Bosses should defuse conflicts early, listen to staff complaints, avoid overcrowding and set realistic workloads and deadlines. Pertemps said it surveyed 450 employees at offices across Britain.







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