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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 聚焦英语丛书--《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》 > 练习题

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/19 10:57  考试Cooo网


  1)It is said that a new robot ____by him in a few days.

  A) designed

  B) has been designed

  C) will be designed

  D) will have been designed

  2)We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema.

  A) will already have started

  B) would already have started

  C) shall have already started

  D) has already been started

  3) She will stop showing off if no notice____ of her.

  A) is taken

  B) takes

  C) will be taken

  D) has taken

  4) Diamond ____in Brazil in 1971.

  A) is found

  B) has been found

  C) was found

  D) had been found

  5)“Have you movedsintosthe new flat?”“Not yet. The room____.”

  A) has been painted

  B) is painted

  C) paints

  D) is being painted

  6) My pictures ____until next Friday.

  A) won't develop

  B) aren't developed

  C) don't develop

  D) won' t be developed

  7) Tim ____since he lost his job three weeks ago.

  A) had been unemployed

  B) was unemployed

  C) has been unemployed

  D) has unemployed

  8) A great number of colleges and universities ____since 1949.

  A) has been establish

  B) have been established

  C) have established

  D) had been established

  9) I'll have to push the car to the side of the road because we ____if we leave it here.

  A) would be fined

  B) will be fined

  C) will being fined

  D) will have been fined

  10)“____two tickets for the new play at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. Shall we go and see it together?”

  A) They have been given

  B) I have been given

  C) I am given

  D) They have given to me

  11) The subject of these lectures ____by the lecture committee.

  A) is announced

  B) have been announced

  C) are announced

  D) has been announced

  12) I found an aspirin bottle ____dropped on the floor of David's room.

  A) was

  B) had

  C) had been

  D) is13)The goods ____when we arrived at the airport.

  A) were just unloading

  B) were just been unloading

  C) had just unloaded

  D) were just being unloaded

  14) If one ____by pride, he will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.

  A) overcomes

  B) is overcome

  C) has been overcome

  D) overcome

  15) Most environment problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them ____taken in the past.

  A) was not

  B) were not

  C) were not being

  D) had not been

  16) You ought to have put the milk in the refrigerator, now ____sour.

  A) I smell

  B) it is smelt

  C) it smells

  D) it is smelling

  17) After the race____, the celebration began.

  A) had been won

  B) is won

  C) will be won

  D)has been won

  18) He was here for a little while, but I don't knowswhereshe ____now.

  A) is

  B) was

  C) had been

  D) has been

  18) The young teacher has ____ competent.

  A) been proved to be

  B) proved to be

  C) been proved

  D) proved being

  19) Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, ____photographically in March 1930.

  A) discovered

  B) was discovered

  C) by discovery

  D) when discovered

  20) To get a better view of the stage, ____.

  A)our seats had to be changed

  B) our seats were changed

  C) we had to change our seats

  D) our seats were changed by us

  22) After synthetic____, engineers had a better choice of material.

  A) created

  B) has created

  C) has been created

  D) had been created

  23) I think much attention ____your pronunciation.

  A) must be paid to

  B) ought to be paid to

  C) must pay to

  D) should be paid to

  24) Since 1970, millions of enthusiasts ____Vitamin C, which they believe can remedy the common cold.

  A) have taken

  B) have been taken

  C) have been taking

  D) have been taking

  25) I don't remember ____the chance to try this method.

  A)shavingsbeen given

  B) to have been given


  D) to have given

  26) We could ask someone to do the work privately without it____.

  A) know

  B) be known

  C) being known

  D) to be known

  27) The construction of the laboratory ____by the end of next month.

  A) must be completed

  B) must have been completed

  C) will be completing

  D) will have been completing

  28) They would tell how the African ____on a ship to an American port.

  A) was brought

  B) could have been brought

  C) had been brought

  D) was to be brought

  29) He does not possess a bicycle, this one he uses ____to Peter.

  A) is belonged to

  B) belonged

  C) belongs

  D) is belonging

  30) Negotiation ____again with Moscow tomorrow, a great event will be discussed then.

  A) is to be opened

  B) is on the point of opening

  C) is going to open

  D) opens

  31) The reason for all the changes being made ____to us yet.

  A) has not explained

  B) has not been explained

  C) did not explained

  D) were not explained

  32) Experiments in the photography of moving objects ____in both the United States and Europe well before 1900.

  A) were conducting

  B)were conducted

  C) had been conducted

  D) had conducted

  33) When he turned the corner, he found himself ____by a man in black.

  A) tailed

  B) been tailed

  C) was tailed

  D) had been tailed

  34) A candidate for the democratic presidential nomination ____at this moment.

  A) is interviewing

  B) being interviewed

  C) is being interviewed

  D) interviewing

  35) As we approached the work site, the workers were seen ____the new house.

  A) building

  B) build

  C) built

  D) to build

  36) As we know, all the regulations in school ____.

  A) must keep to

  B) must be kept

  C) must keep

  D) must be kept up

  37) The composition ____any more.

  A) need not to be corrected

  B) doesn't need to be corrected

  C) doesn't need be corrected

  D) need not correct

  38) The bank is reported in the local newspaper ____in broad daylight yesterday

  A) to be robbed

  B) to have keen robbed

  C) robbed

  D)shavingsbeen robbed

  39) Hurry up, or the tickets ___out by the time we get there.

  A) will have sold

  B) will sell

  C) have sold

  D) will have been sold

  40) He cleaned the glasses carefully for fear that it ____.

  A) was damaged

  B) should be damaged

  C) damaged

  D) would be damaged


  1)C 2)A 3)A 4)C 5)D 6)D 7)C 8)B 9)B 10)B11)D 12)C 13)D 14)B 15)B 16)C 17)A 18)A 19)B20)B 21)C 22)D 23)A 24)C 25)A 26)C 27)A 28)C29)C 30)A 31)B 32)C 33)A 34)C 35)A 36)B 37)B38)B 39)D 40)B

聚焦英语丛书-- 《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》 专题
动名词的被动式(2002/08/16/ 10:57)
使用被动语态的情况(2002/08/15/ 10:11)
形式主动、意义被动和形式被动、意义主动(2002/08/15/ 10:06)
被动结构与系表结构的区别(2002/08/14/ 11:26)
动名词的完成式(2002/08/13/ 10:58)



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