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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§19.1

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/08/20 16:14  新浪教育

  NIKKY: hi, brian

  BRIAN: hi, fine?


  BRIAN: yes?

  NIKKY: yes

  BRIAN: what did u eat after I was off the other day?

  NIKKY: donuts(油炸圈饼), guess to lose weight

  BRIAN: though I know that in America, a large number of obese(肥胖的) people, but u r not

  NIKKY: u saw my photograph

  BRIAN: yes, u r slim(苗条的), so what the hell u think need to lose weight for? (为什么还要减呢?)

  NIKKY: want to find the real skinny(骨瘦的) about my approach

  BRIAN: u like skinny?

  NIKKY: somehow

  BRIAN: then u should have not eaten the donuts at night

  NIKKY: I guess to find a better way to that point

  BRIAN: u should be put on a desert inland for half a year just like Tom.Hanks, at the end of the half year, u will be skinny


  NIKKY: that’s cool

  BRIAN: :)

Brian英文ICQ狂聊记录(五) 专题



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