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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 大卫雕像129年来首次洗澡(附图)

Michelangelo''s David gets first wash since 1873
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/17 08:45  金羊网-新快报


  Even world-famous sculptures need a wash behind their ears every now and then. And Michelangelo''s David is set to have a seven month-long public bath.

  Restorers at Florence''s Galleria dell''Accademia will begin wiping away 129 years of dirt and grime from the Renaissance marble statue on Monday.

  It is the first time the five-metre (16 foot) nude has been cleaned since it was movedsintosthe gallery in 1873 to protect it from weather and pollution.

  The clean-up is expected to cost about 100,000 pounds and visitors to the gallery will be able to watch the work.

  David, carved from a single block of marble from 1501 to 1504, depicts the biblical hero who killed Goliath. It established Michelangelo as the foremost sculptor of his time at the age of 29.

  就算是世界有名的雕塑也要时不时地洗洗耳背——米开朗其罗的大卫雕像将在众目睽睽之下洗一次长达7个月的澡。   从9月16日开始,修复工人将替这个文艺复兴时期制成的大理石雕像清理一下积了129年的尘秽。   为减轻气候及污染的侵蚀,这个高达5米的全裸雕像于1873年被搬到佛罗伦萨的一个长廊里。从那时起,这次是第一次对它进行清洗。   这次清理估计要花费10万英镑(约人民币120万元),期间到画廊参观的人可以看到清理时的情况。   大卫雕像是在1501年到1504年由米开朗其罗用一整块大理石刻成的,大卫是《圣经》中杀掉巨人歌利亚的英雄。这个雕像也使得当时年仅29岁的米开朗其罗成为当时最优秀的雕刻家。




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