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Joke:The Ball-point Pen/圆珠笔
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/24 16:02  北京实力外语学校

  One day a young mother was playing with her five-year-old son. Suddenly he grabbed her ball-point pen and swallowed it.

  "Oh, no !" cried the woman. "We must find a doctor."

  She took her son, ran out of the house, ran out of the house, put him in their car, and drove quickly to the nearest doctor's office. Taking her son by the hand, she rushedsintosthe waiting room and shouted to the nurse, "I must see the doctor immediately."

  "I'm sorry, " said the nurse calmly, "but the doctor is busy." "but the doctor is busy." "But nurse," she said, "please! My son just swallowed my ball---point pen!"

  "Well, " said the nurse. "I'm terribly sorry, but you'll just have to use a pencil."


Joke:The Ball-point Pen/圆珠笔







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