新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 雅思(IELTS)考试 > 剑桥委员会公布英国认可雅思的大学

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/25 10:17  新东方教育在线


  University (IELTS)

  1. Aberdeen University(6)

  2.Abertay University, Dundee(5.5)

  3.Anglia Polytechnic University(5.5)

  4.Aston University(6)

  Bath Spa University College(5.5)

  Bath University(6)

  Bell College of Technology(6.5)

  Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative Studies(6)

  Birmingham University(6)

  Bolton Institute of Higher Education(5.5)

  Bournemouth University(6.0/6.5/7.0)

  Bradford University(6)

  Brighton University(6)

  Bristol University(6.5)

  Brunel University(6.0/6.5/7.0)

  Buckingham University(6.5)

  Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College(6.0/6.5)

  Canterbury Christ Church University College(6)

  Cardiff University(6.0/6.5)

  Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education(5.5)

  Chichester College of Arts, Science and Technology( 6)

  City University(6)

  Colchester Institute(5.5/6.0)

  Coleg Menai(6)

  College of Ripon and York St John(6)

  College of St Mark and St John(6.0/6.5)

  Cornwall College with Duchy College(5.5)

  Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London)(7)

  Coventry University(6)

  Cranfield University(6.5)

  Croydon College(5.5)

  De Montfort University(6.5)

  Derby University(5.5/6.0)

  Doncaster College(5.5)

  Dundee College(5.5)

  Dundee University(6)

  Durham University(6.5)

  East Anglia University(6)

  East London University(6)

  Edinburgh College of Art(6.5)

  Edinburgh University(6)

  Essex University(6)

  European Business School, London(6)

  European School of Osteopathy(6)

  Exeter University(6.0/6.5)

  Farnborough College of Technology(6)

  Glamorgan University(6)

  Glasgow Caledonian University(6)

  Glasgow University(6)

  Goldsmiths College (University of London)(6.5)

  Greenwich University, School of Humanities(6)

  Harper Adams University College(-)

  Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh(6.5)

  Hertfordshire University(6.5/7.0)

  Holborn College(5.5)

  Huddersfield University(6)

  Hull University(6)

  Huntingdon Regional College(5.5)

  Napier University(5.5)

  Newcastle Upon Tyne University(6.5)

  Newham College of Further Education(-)

  North East Wales Institute of Higher Education(5.5)

  North East Worcestershire College(6)

  North London University(5.5)

  Northbrook College Sussex(6)

  Northumbria University, Newcastle(5.5/7.5 )

  Norwich City College(6)

  Nottingham Trent University(6.5)

  Nottingham University(6.0/6.5)

  Oxford Brookes University(6.0/6.5 )

  Oxford University(7.5)

  Paisley University - Business School(6)

  Plymouth College of Art and Design(6)

  Plymouth University(6)

  Portsmouth University(6)

  Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh(5.5)

  Queen Mary and Westfield College (Univ.of London)(6.0/7.5)

  Queen‘s University of Belfast(6.0/7.5)

  Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication(6)

  Reading University(6.5/7.0)

  Reading College and School of Arts and Design(6.5)

  Regents Business School London(6)

  Richmond Adult Community College(6)

  Robert Gordon University(5.5)

  Rose Bruford College(6.5)

  Royal Holloway, University of London(6.0/6.5)

  Salford University(6)

  School of Oriental and African Studies (Univ.of London)(6.0/7.0)

  Sheffield Hallam University(5.5)

  Sheffield University(6)

  Solihull College(6.5)

  Somerset College of Arts and Technology(6.5)

  South Bank University(6)

  South Thames College, London(6.5)

  Southampton Institute(6)

  Southampton University(6.5)

  St Andrews University(6.0/7.0)

  St Mary‘s College(6)

  Stafford College(6)

  Staffordshire University(6)

  Stirling University(6)

  Stockport College of Further & Higher Education(6.5)

  Strathclyde University(6.0/6.5)

  Suffolk College(6.0/7.0)

  Sunderland University(6)

  Surrey Institute of Art and Design, University College(6)

  Surrey University(6)

  Sussex University(6.5)

  Swansea Institute of Higher Education(6)

  Tameside College(5.5-7.0)

  Teesside University(5.5)

  Thames Valley University (TVU)(5.5)

  Ulster University(6)

  University College Chichester(6)

  University College London (University of London)(6.5/7.5)

  University College Northampton(6)

  University College Worcester(5.5)

  University of Central England in Birmingham(6)

  University of Central Lancashire(6)

  University of Manchester Institute of S &T (UMIST)(6.0/6.5)

  University of the West of England, Bristol(6)

  University of Wales College of Medicine(6.5)

  University of Wales College, Newport(6)

  University of Wales Institute, Cardiff(6)

  Wales University, Aberystwyth(6.5)

  Wales University, Bangor(6)

  Wales University, Lampeter(6)

  Wales University, Swansea(6)

  Warwick University(6.0/7.0)

  Welsh College of Music and Drama(6.0/6.5)

  West Herts College, Watford(5.5/6.5)

  Westminster University(6)

  Weston College(5.5)

  Wigan and Leigh College(6.5/7.0)

  Wirral Metropolitan College(5.5/6.0)

  Wolverhampton University(6)

  Worcester College of Technology(5.5)

  York College(6)

  York University(6)

  University of Paisley, Business School(6)

  University of Plymouth(6)

  University of Portsmouth(6)

  University of Reading(6.5/7.0)

  University of Salford(6)

  University of Sheffield(6)

  University of Southampton(6.5)

  University of St Andrews(6.0/7.0)

  University of Stirling(6)

  University of Strathclyde(6.0/6.5)

  University of Sunderland(6)

  University of Surrey(6)

  University of Sussex(6.5)

  University of Teesside(5.5)

  University of the West of England, Bristol(6)

  University of Ulster(6)

  University of Wales College of Medicine(6.5)

  University of Wales College, Newport(6)

  University of Wales Institute, Cardiff(6)

  University of Wales Swansea(6)

  University of Wales, Aberystwyth(6.5)

  University of Wales, Bangor(6)

  University of Wales, Lampeter(6)

  University of Warwick(6.0/7.0)

  University of Westminster(6)

  University of Wolverhampton(6)

  University of York(6)

  Welsh College of Music and Drama(6.0/6.5)

  West Herts College, Watford(5.5/6.5)

  Wigan and Leigh College(6.5/7.0)

  Wirral Metropolitan College(5.5/6.0)

  Worcester College of Technology(5.5)

  York College of Further and Higher Education(5.5/6.0)


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