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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 聚焦英语丛书--《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》(二) > 几个含有than的结构

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/09/27 10:57  考试Cooo网

  1) no more than

  只,仅仅,只不过是(=only),后面接名词或数词,在句中起形容词作用。例如:The street is no more than two miles long.这条大街只有两英里长。What he is saying is no more than a joke.他所讲的只不过是个玩笑而已。The estimate of 20012 tons was probably no more than another wild assumption of theirs.这个二万零一十二吨的估计数字,也许只不过是他们的又一个胡编乱造。

  2) no more... than (= not...any more than)

  和……一样不(not...any more than)。Than前后都是否定的含义。

  A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. (= A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.)鲸和马都不是鱼。(鲸之非鱼类,正如马之非鱼类。)

  My elder brother is no more a singer than I am.我哥哥和我都不是歌唱家。

  They will no more sell their freedom for roubles than for dollars.他们既不会以他们的自由换取美元,也将同样不会以自由换取卢布。

  The little man was ____one meter fifty high. (CET 4 1997,1)

  A) almost more than B) hardly more than

  C) nearly D) as much as

  hardly more than用来表示“仅仅”。根据句意:这个小个子男人仅有1.5米高,应选择B.

  3)no other than


  The murderer turned out to be no other person than the inspector himself.结果是,那个杀人犯不是别人,正是巡官自己。

  The beaten enemy had no other choice than to surrender.被打败的敌人只有投降。

  4)no better than

  和……一样,实际上等于(practically the same as)

  A man who cannot read and write is no better than the blind.不识字的人跟瞎子没有两样。

  The patient is no better than he was yesterday.病人的情况和昨天一样。

  5)no less... than


  This person is no less diligent than he used to be.这个人和从前一样勤奋。

  The technique of writing is no less difficult than that of the other arts.写作技巧和其他艺术技巧一样困难。

  Sunlight is no less necessary than fresh air to a healthy body.日光和新鲜空气对身体健康是同样必不可少的。

  6)no less than

  多达,竟有……之多,不下于(as many as, as much as)。

  In the battle, the Red Amy wounded were no less than twenty thousand.在这次战斗中,红军伤员不下两万人。

  He won no less than 1000 yuan in the lottery.他居然中了一千元的奖券。

  The bank pays him a yearly salary of no less than ,000.银行给他的年薪竟高达九万。

  7) other than

  意思是:不同于,除……之外;rather than意思是:而不是。


  This crop doesn't do well in soils ____the one for which it has been specially developed. (CET 4 1999,1)

  A) beyond B) rather than C) outside D) other than

  other than意思是:不同于,除……之外;rather than意思是:而不是。根据句意:除了这块专门为它培育的土壤,这种作物在其它土壤上都生长不好。应选择D.

  In no country ___Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. (CET 4 1999,6)

  A) other than B) more than C) better than D) rather than

  句意为:除了在英国,一个人不可能在其它国家在一天内经历四季。other than表示“除……之外”,故选择A.

聚焦英语丛书-- 《大学英语快速通关--四级语法200条》(二) 专题
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形容词的主动性和被动性(2002/09/16/ 15:49)
比较级的修饰词(2002/09/13/ 16:19)



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