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China: the Safety Island for traveling
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/08 17:40  中国周刊


  The World Tourism Organization reckoned that China will emerged as the No 1 tourism destination in the next decades, exceeding Spain, France and the US. The Representative of the World Tourism Organization said that the international intensity threatened nothing to the tourism of China.

  9.11 terrorist attack has aroused much panic to the tourism of the US and many countries while China emerged as the safety island for traveling due to its steady socialsgroupsand beauty sceneries, attracting the global sightseers.

  Different with some counties which are flooded with the conflicts of religionary, ethnological and political. The people of China are love-peace people and China poses threat to none. In addition, the Chinese government pays much attention to the safety of the tourists. Special security measures were employed at famous sceneries during the travel peek, such as patrol polices were fortified. For the sake of the benefits and safety of the tourists, the cicerones usually caution them not to change currencies casually to avoid fake one, not to go far at night, and so on. In the early days, the tourists pick their steps carefully. But little by little some dare to go their own way and got no fake coin.

  In March,The chairman of the China National Tourism Administration met with American tourist Michael O'Shea, a 60-year-old teacher from Fulton-Montgomery Community College in New York State and his eight students.

  President Jiang Zemin replied to a letter written by O'Shea in August last year and the president welcomed him and other US tourists and encouraged them to visit China to promote unofficial exchanges between the two countries.

  In his letter to Jiang in May, O'Shea said: "I had a marvelous experience on my 10-day trip to Beijing and to Shanhaiguan in North China's Hebei Province."


  According to statistics, China has seen 8.7 million tourists during the weeklong May Day holiday and earned 33 billion yuan. The weeklong holiday has also created good opportunities for shops and department stores to make a fortune. The Quanjude restaurant in Qianmen, Beijing, - famous for its roast Peking duck - received 5,620 guests on May 4 and earned a total of 720,000 yuan (US,700), setting a new record in its history for the highest amount of sales in one day.

  Hotel reservations in popular tourist destinations like Guilin, Xiamen, Sanya and Zhangjiajie surpassed 80 per cent of average time as record-breaking numbers of tourists floodingsintosthe locations.

  Travel mania also led to overcrowding of railways, roads, and air and water routes, with tickets for major destinations selling out days before the holiday began.

  Measures Launched for Holiday

  1. Call for local working conferences as soon as possible to map out and check all preparations, travel products and plans for reception;

  2. Abide by the guideline of "Safety comes first, handlingsgroupsthe second, and benefits the third" to ensure a safe and sound holiday;

  3. All member units for coordinating the work at different levels should take up their responsibility in line with the division of work to joinsintosconcerted efforts in their work;

  4. Strengthen the supervision and checkup on tourism market to ensure a healthy holiday;

  5. To make good the holiday statistic and forecast reports and reports by the media so as to make it play well a function in guiding the public tourism behavior and report a joyful and harmonious tourism holiday;

  6. To further the on-duty system and make it work well during the National Day holiday, to ensure that the units concerned will work highly effectively and be competent in dealing with all urgent matters and incidents in time.

  Michael O'shea's Trip in China-Selected sectoion of letter from

  Before my students went to China,they were no different than the average American. The average American knows little or nothing about the Chinese people,their language,their culture or their history. Of course my students wanted to learn about China. That is why they are learning the Chinese language. This is what sets them apart from most Americans. However,most of what they know about China comes from what they see on American TV,or from the movies. It wasn't until they went to China that they really began to understand your country,its peoples,its history and its culture. The students I brought with me this year were not the same ones who came with me last year,but their feelings and sentiments and fears were the same. They were worried about how the Chinese people would react to them.

  When I'm in my classroom teaching Chinese language,I always tell my students not to be afraid to make a mistake when they try to speak Chinese. I tell them that the Chinese people really like Americans. If they make a mistake,Chinese people will not laugh at them. But ,as President Jiang Ze Min wrote to me,"A hundred words are not as good as one look". As soon as my students arrived in China,they discovered for themselves how hospitable and friendly the Chinese are towards Americans. When they tried to practice Pu Tong Hua,Chinese people became even friendlier towards them!

  After they returned to America,my students all said that they could never have imagined that the Chinese people would be so nice to them and that they would like China so much. They were also amazed by the grandeur of the Great Wall. These were the two things that the students kept saying to everyone when they returned to America - now warm and friendly and generous the Chinese people were,and how marvelous the Great Wall is.

  My students - both last year and this year - all loved Chinese food. I especially like Yanjing beer - for my money it's the best beer in the world. We all loved shopping in Beijing's Red Bridge Market. The students loved bargaining,for they were able to practice their Chinese. They always got a friendly smile - and a better price - when they said "pianyi yidiar keyi ma?" We thought that the Chinese railway and subway systems were first rate. At the Beijing Hebei Hotel the students loved talking with the friendly staff members and practicing their Chinese with everyone they met. General Manager Wu and her staff have always treated me,my family, and my students as if we were long lost friends. And it was a real honor to meet Director He this year.

  Although we considered Beijing's Hebei Hotel to be our "home away from home",we liked everyplace we stayed a great deal. In Huang Hua Cheng we stayed at the Beijing Jing Wei Pei Xun Zhong Xin. Although it's not a large hotel,the location is beautiful and the scenery is spectacular. Manager Ma and his staff were very helpful and kind to us. And all of us loved climbing the Great Wall. In Shan Hai Guan we stayed at the Ji Guan Zhao Dai Suo,a beautiful Chinese traditional style courtyard house. Manager Wang and her staff took good care of us! We loved all the performances put on for us in Shan Hai Guan - especially those at Lao Long Tou and at Tian Xia Di Yi Guan. It will also be a long time before we forget the Calligraphy demonstration that was put on for our benefit.

  I really loved the old section of Shan Hai Guan. I liked walking along the streets and talking to the people who live there. I would love to come back someday to live there and to teach at Shan Hai Guan's Di Yi Zhong Xue.It's a beautiful school,and the students and teachers were all very kind to us.

  My students all agreed that they had learned a great deal about China on this trip. Besides improving their command of the Chinese language,they learned that,although our eyes,our hair and our skin color may be different,our hearts are all the same. Americans and Chinese should be good friends and should work to make this world a better place for all peoples.

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