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GMAT 800SCORE 作文精解
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/11 10:00  太傻网

  The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) is how business schools evaluat

  e your writing skills. The AWA section has two 30-minute essay questions. On

  e essay is the "Analysis of Issue,"swheresyou state your opinion on an issue

  .. The second is the "Analysis of Argument,"swheresyou analyze the reasoning

  in an argument. The two essay types require completely different strategies.

  How the E-rater Is Used

  Before February 1999, two human graders would grade your essays. If th

  ey disagreed, it went to a third grader. Under the new system, a human and t

  he E-rater will grade your essay. If the human and E-rater agree on a score,

  that’s the grade your essay will receive. If they disagree, a second human

  will grade the essay to resolve any differences.

  The computerized grading system pressures human graders to follow the E

  -rater’s strict standards. Human graders are aware that there is a computer

  double-checking their work, and they are more likely to follow the E-rater’s

  strict grading parameters.

  How to tackle the Analytical Writing Assessment

  Students tend to under-prepare for the AWA section. This is ironic becau

  se it is the one section on the GMATswheresa small amount of preparation can

  make a huge difference on test day. You don’t want the issue of your embarr

  assing AWA grade coming up during a business school interview. To beat the A

  WA, you must learn how to write in a highly disciplined and concise manner.

  Be particularly concerned with structure. Clearly divide your essaysintosthe

  introductory paragraph, two to three content paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  Take time out before you start writing to set up an organizational structure

  .. Our Essay Guide includes sample essay templates for the Issue and Argument


  Use transitional phrases such as "first," "therefore," and "because" to help

  the computer identify concepts between and within the paragraphs. Make sure

  you spell these transition words correctly so that the computer may identif

  y them (the E-rater does not have a spell-checker built-in).

  Be a conformist. The E-rater is not programmed to appreciate individuality,

  humor, or poetic inspiration. The E-rater will be comparing the style and st

  ructure of your essay to that of other high-scoring essays. If your essay lo

  oks like the high-scoring essays in the E-rater’s memory banks, you will get

  a high grade; if not, you will get a low grade. Our Essay Guide has 20 samp

  le high score essays to help you get a sense of the proper writing style for

  the AWA.

  Clearly state your critique in the Analysis of Argument essay. The Analysis

  of Argument question will show you an essay that is loaded with logical fall

  acies, such as the unwarranted assumption or the fallacy of equivocation. Th

  ese are buzzwords that the E-rater detects to see if you have correctly iden

  tified the argument’s logical flaws. We include all the common logical falla

  cies in our Essay Guide so that the E-rater can tell that you have correctly

  critiqued the essay.

  Know the essays and how to answer them. In our Essay Guide, we have all of t

  he 275 real GMAT essay questions and 20 selected sample answers to those ess

  ay questions. This will give you a feel for the essay questions and how they

  should be answered.

  Write in effective "American" style. Both the human and the E-rater will det

  ect poor writing style. The E-rater’s memory banks have essays written in Am

  erican grammar/style, which is slightly distinct from the English used outsi

  de of the United States.

  Practice, Practice, Practice. Try to do the essays in the 30-minute time fra

  me. That is half the challenge. Always practice under timed conditions on a

  computer or take our practice essays for grading.

  Our Essay Section & E-Rater Guide is designed to prepare you for the test. W

  e’ve also used experience from years of grading thousands of practice essays

  through our essay grading service. The guide is based on information from e

  ssay graders and developers of computerized essay grading technology. Based

  on our observations, students who use the Essay Guide score about two points

  higher (on a scale from 0 to 6) than those who do not. Here’s what the Essa

  y Guide contains:

  1. AWA Basics

  Analysis of Issue: how to tackle it .

  Analysis of Argument: how to identify logical fallacies commonly used in ess

  ay questions, such as the unwarranted assumption or the fallacy of equivocat


  How international students should prepare for the essay section.

  10 Most Common Errors: over the thousands of essays we have graded, 10 error

  s keep recurring.

  2. How the E-Rater Works

  How the E-rater program works.

  What not to do: 7 common errors writers make with the E-rater.

  3. Organizational Tips: How to Structure Your Essays

  Pace schedules for each essay type so that you get everything done in time.

  Templates for each essay type to help structure your essays.

  4. How to Write Effectively

  Basic rules of grammar that you must know.

  How to write effective and concise arguments.

  Writing drills & exercises to test your writing skills.

  5. Answers to the Real Essay Questions

  How to see all of the 275 real AWA questions beforehand. You may see every p

  otential essay question before test day.

  Read sample answers to the real essay questions (20 sample essay answers). U

  se these to get an idea about how you should write your essays.

太傻留学英语 专题
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