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Cyclone Maker
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/11 14:22  中国周刊

  About Success

  “The most important thing for success is the luck and then is strive. When the opportunity comes, don’t miss it.”

  Vanke corporation is famous for its continuous success, which is treated incredible. During the 17 years of Vanke’s history, Wang Shi has been making changes of Vanke. Each time, at the beginning the change seemed incompatible with the temporal situation of the business. However as time passed by, it was proved that Wang Shi’s decision is very prophetic.

  In 1986, the Modern Kejiao Instruments Sales center, which is the ex-body of Vanke, began to turnsintosthe joint stock system after finishing its capital accumulation by import and export. In 1988, when other people were thinking that their enterprises were to be socialized or capitalized, the Modern Kejiao Instrument had already finished their alteration to be a share enterprise, so that the country held 60% stocks whereas the staff had 40% .They also launched 10 million yuan B stocks and got the permission of the local government.

  Vanke had turnedsintosa multi-business corporation very early. During that period, its mineral water- Yibao was the best sales among the local bands in Guangdong Province. Wanjia Super market belonging to Wanjia was within the top ten of Shenzhen’s supermarkets. They had also invested in two movies, Go Home in Spring Festival as well as Looking for Happiness, which are very famous and popular at that time. These two movies didn’t only gain money for Vanke, but also gained popularity for it.

  However when most Chinese companies were turning themselvessintosa multiple-line company, Wang Shi announced to give up the multiple-line operation and to focus on the real estate. One of the actions was to sell Yibao which is still the most popular band nowadays.

  In the last few years when most real0-estate agents were excited about the sudden huge profits of the real estate, Wang Shi indicated that the profit of Vanke real estate would be around 20%.

  Actually in the past Vanke had made success all the things they do in different areas, which is very difficult. In the changes of multiple and specialization, as well as the argument between high profits and low profits, we saw a Vanke in hard thinking and Wang Shi in hard thinking.

  Wang Shi had said that the basic requirement for a successful leader was the ability to gain continuously increasing profit for his company. It obviously that he made it and made success.

  About HR

  The essential element of Vanke’s success is the quality of the human resources.

  In the recruitment advertisement in 1991, there are the words:

  “To respect HR, to create a harmonious and enthusiastic environment for the HR.”That is the essential element for Vanke’s success. The HR from east or west going after the creation and perfection is endless resources of Vanke and the capital for Vanke’s growing-up.

  The core of Vanke’s HR system is to respect people and individuality.

  Vanke won’t intervene the old staff’s choices. As to the new staff, Vanke will respect their preesonality, talent, potentiality and their own wish, which will make the best combination of individual aim with the company’s goal. Therefore, the staff have got the drive for the long-term development.

  The other respect is to respect staff’s privacy, by which the staff will build healthy personality. From Wang Shi’s view of point, there is no healthy independent character, there is no creation and enterprising spirit. Insgroupsto provide the staff comparatively independent daily life, Vanke intentionly scatter the staff’s dormitory.

  Vanke’s main standard to value a clerk is his or her ability, behave and effect for the company. With this criterion, Vanke has some young managing HR appeared who has fewer experience but better practical ability. Wang Shi had said that Vanke was youth’s Vanke. Vanke had step ahead comparing to other companies. At present the average age of the staff is around 30 in Vanke, and a number of manager around 30 have become the core of the company. However, Wang Shi is not satisfied enough. He presented a new idea which is to provide the youth a imagination space last year. From then on Vanke have changed a lot which is caused by the youth’s imagination space.

  About Sports

  “I am an extroverted man who are subject to be attracted for this kind of personality. It is maybe not sensible, however this is my nature.

  Wang Shi is famous for his extroverted character and loving of sports. He is an extraordinary one comparing to other Chinese enterprisers. He is high-spirited and high-profile, besides he is leisure free. When other presidents are too busy to have a rest , Wang Shi is walking around to practice his love-mountaineering.

  In 2001, Wangshi’s advertisement for Motorola was launched in CCTV, which made him the first president of a corporation to be a profile representative in China. At that time it was a very sensational topic. Wang Shi had talked about why he liked to act this advertisement. One of them is that the idea of this ad, which is business and sports. He said:“I love sports very much. Ski, mountaineering and bailout are all my favorite sports. Sometimes when I was on errands I would take my parachute with me.”

  Sports maybe one of the causes for Wang Shi’s extroverted and high-spirited personality. He is not that rule-abiding person and loves to adventures in both sports and business. That’s why Vanke can always step ahead other companies and make the Chinese business-line stirred with their success. That because they have the leader Wang Shi who is alwaysshavingsgreat sense of forecast and dares to make cyclone.

  In August of 2000, Wangshi“sold”Vanke to Hong Kong Huarun Real Estate , becoming the first manager who dismissed his boss in China.

  In 2001, Wangshi’s advertisement for Motorola was launched in CCTV, which made him the first president of a corporation to be a profile representative in China.

  Photo Caption

  Beijing, May 17, 2002–Captain Frank Hankins from Boeing China Inc. spoke to the kindergarten classes at International School of Beijing as part of their study of“transportation”. Insgroupsto explain how airplanes fly,“Captain Frank”answered questions and used a model and cockpit poster as teaching aids. The aircraft presentation is one of the transportation series lectures the children are studying this week.

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