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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > FLASH“知”性英语 > Make greeting each other at home a good habit

Make greeting each other at home a good habit
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/20 15:08  English88

Make greeting each other at home a good habit

FLASH“知”性英语 专题
Form the Good Habit In the Train(2002/10/25/ 13:03)
She Will Be Coming Round The Mountain(2002/10/11/ 11:34)
饭前要洗手/You should wash your hands before meal(2002/10/07/ 16:35)
给老人让座/Please take the seat(2002/10/04/ 11:03)
The More We Get Together(2002/09/30/ 16:50)



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