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Celebrities Chemists Honour Sherlock Holmes
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/21 09:46  金羊网-新快报

  The great fictional detective Sherlock Holmes is to receive a posthumous Honorary Fellowship from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

  It comes 100 years after Holmes returned from the dead to solve the case of the Hound of the Baskervilles.

  Usually such honours are reserved for Nobel Laureates and other distinguished academics and industrialists. Holmes is the first fictional character to receive the Fellowship, and a silver medal will be struck in his name.

  Dr David Giachardi, secretary general of the Society, says: "Had Holmes really been a flesh and blood hero like Brunel or Livingstone, other Victorian greats, he would unquestionably have been honoured publicly. His creator was honoured by Edward VII in 1902 after the hound was tracked down."

  "Now, a 100 years on in 2002, we are stretching the rules slightly, tongue very slightly in cheek, to say to the world, here was a great man who selflessly pursued bad people on behalf of the good, using science, courage and crystal clear thought processes to achieve his goals."

  Holmes became a big success after he appeared in A Scandal In Bohemia in the Strand magazine in 1891, applying his unique blend of logic and intuition to solving the gruesome crimes of Victorian London.

  He was the creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who partly based the character of Holmes on his own teacher at medical school in Edinburgh, a Dr Joseph Bell.

  Super-sleuth Sherlock solved crimes with forensic chemistry.


  英国皇家化学学会前日宣布,“追认”侦探小说人物福尔摩斯为荣誉会员。理由是100年前,福尔摩斯在《幽宁犬》(又译<巴斯克维尔的猎犬>,The Hound of the Baskervilles)中,利用化学原理侦破案件。


  从柯南-道尔第一本福尔摩斯小说《血字的研究》(A Study In Scarlet)开始,福尔摩斯便运用他独特的逻辑和洞察力,侦破维多利亚时代在伦敦发生的耸人听闻的罪案。柯南·道尔根据他在爱丁堡医学院念书时的一名老师,塑造了福尔摩斯这一人物。




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