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GRE Writing Assessment简介
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/06 11:24  太傻网



  The GRE Writing Assessment consists of two analytical writing tasks:

  1. a 45-minute "Present Your Perspective on an Issue" task

  2. a 30-minute "Analyze an Argument" task

  The "Issue" task states an opinion on an issue of broad interest and asks test takers to address the issue from any perspective(s) they wish, so long as they provide relevant reasons and examples to explain and support their views.

  The "Argument" task presents a different challenge: it requires test takers to critique an argument by discussing how well reasoned they find it. Test takers are asked to consider the logical soundness of the argument rather than agree or disagree with the position it presents.

  Thus the two tasks are complementary in that one requires test takers to construct their own argument by making claims and providing evidence supporting their position on the issue, whereas the other requires them to critique someone else's argument by assessing its claims and evaluating the evidence it provides.

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