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How Napoleon Crossed the Alps
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/07 11:15  北京实力外语学校

  About one hunderd and serenty years ago there lived a great general whose name was Napoleon Bonsparte. He was the leader of the French army; and France was at war with nearly all the countries around. He wanted very much to take his soldierssintosItaly; but between France and Italy there are high mountains called the Apls, the tops of which are covered with snow.

  "Is it possible to cross the Alps?" said Napoleon.

  The men who had been sent to look at the passes over the mountains shook their heads.

  Then one of them said,"It may be possible, but…"

  "Let me hear no more," said Napolen. "Forward to Italy!"

  People laughed at the thought of an army of an army of sixty thousand men crossing the Alps when there was no read. But Napoleon waited only to see that everything was in good order, and then he gave thesgroupsto march.

  The long line of sodiers and horses and cannon stretched for twenty miles. When they came to a steep placeswheresthere seemed to be no way to go futher, the trumpets sounded "Charge!" Then every man did his best, and the whole army moved right forward.

  Soon they were safe over the Alps. In four days they were marching on the plain of the plain of Italy.

  "The man who has made has made up his mind to win," said Napoleon, "Will never say:" Impossible."













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