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Zhangjiajie National Forest Park
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/07 13:52  中国周刊

  Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is the first forest park in China. 380 million years ago, it is only a vast sheet of water. Through millions of years, the nature has created it to a wonderland with fabulous peaks, deep valleys, peculiar rocks and limpid water.

  Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is located in northwest Hunan Province, Central China. It has an area of 72,000 mou, and annual mean temperature is 16 centigrade. With the 240-300 day frostless season and 1200~1600mm annual rainfall, it has a forest coverage percentage of 97% and woody plants as many as 98 families 517species, which is more than twice the species all over Europe. The Gymnosperm species here has covered half of those in the world.

  Zhangjiajie national forest park was open to outside at the beginning of 1980's, it is the earliest developed scenic zone in Zhangjiajie city. It is famous for its primitive and natural beauty.

  Selected Spots

  Huangshi Village

  Huangshi Village gets its name from a hermit named Huangshi who had lived here. Its highest peak is 1800m and is the biggest see-sight plat in Zhangjiajie. In this area, multiple peaks stand high like giant bamboo shoot sticking to the sky, the broken rocks and clift distribute along Jinbian rivulet with wild canebrake and ancient trees, what a wonderful original scene! Rivulets spread out among mountains like colored ribbons. Viewing mountains on the top of Huangshi village, you can't help sighing with emotion for its great momentum and ever changing spectacle.

  There are old sayings , "Never been at Huangshi Village, never been at Zhangjiajie."

  Golden Whip Stream

  Golden Whip Stream is located in the east of Zhangjiajie National Forest Park and gets its name from the famous Jinbian Rock which lies in its headwaters. Meandering from west to east among fantastic peaks and valleys, it takes the length of 8 kilometers. Water vivifies the mountains and mountain directs the water. The views differ from each step and make Jinbian Stream a dreamland of picture and poem.

  In a sunny autumn day, when walking along the Golden Whip Stream, at the 5 kilometers to the headstream of Golden Whip Stream, you will find that your reflection turnssintosthree.

  Travel Tips


  The fewer the things you carry, the better. Take an umbrella in your bag is preferable. A pair of sport shoes are necessary.


  There are lines from 24 cities in China, but only Beijing, Chengdu, Changsha, Shenzhen have the daily line to Zhangjiajie.Climate

  April and October will be the best month to travel in Zhangjiajie, because the temperature will be around 20℃and the nature will be the most beautiful.

  You'd better not climb on the mountain in rainy day which will be very dangerous for the slippery road and heavy frog.

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