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Cat travels 700 miles to stay with owners
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/21 10:05  金羊网-新快报

  A cat has stowed away on a lorry to rejoin her owners - after they left her 700 miles away in France.

  Anthony Lewis and wife Sam gave their cat Maisy to the buyers of their home because they did not want to put her through the upheaval of moving to Jersey.

  But they were amazed when Maisy then turned up in the van delivering some of their belongings to the Channel island.

  She had sneaked aboard the truck and gone without food or water for two days as it travelled across France.

  Her journey began in the Languedoc region near Spain and ended with a ferry trip to Jersey.

  Delivery driver Tim Morley told The Sun: "I loaded the van up in the middle of the night and when I got to Jersey left it in the depot overnight.

  "When I went back I could hear faint crying from the van and saw the cat.

  "I put food down and she came out. Then I rang Anthony and described the cat. He said it sounded just like Maisy."

  Anthony said: "We were overjoyed. We always knew she was a clever cat.

  "We really didn't think we'd see her again - but we're glad she's back."

从法国到英国 小猫千里寻主人








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