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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/11/26 09:59  寄托天下

  “We can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose ciews contradict our own."---ISUEE 96

  There is much debate over whether we benefit more from similar views. Some people maintain that we can learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose view contradict our own, while others, by contrast, hold a negative argument. As far as I am concerned, these two resources are of same importance, and they can also complement each other.

  Common sense tells us that the more we experienced, the more we get. Obviously, personal experience is an important resource of knowledge. However, individual experiences are too limited to hold up one’s intelligence. To be knowledgeable, we also learn others’experiences, for example, the experiences systemized and published as textbooks. In addition, there is a statistics (collected ) which indicates that people who hold the same views as ours are much easier to share their experiences with us. In other words, we may get more valuable experiences from people with whom we agree. For these reasons, I recommend that from people whose views we share can we get more benefits.

  However, sometimes, we can benefit from contradicting views. First, contradicting views can help complement and perfect our views. As discussed above, one’s own experiences are limited, so it is inevitable for some people that their original argument on some events are deficient, to some extent, bigoted. Meanwhile, the opposite point of view may also be inadequate. But if we consider these two standpoints together, we will find that the one is the counterpart of the other. Second, contradicting views can provide us with new solutions and new perspectives. Different people have different solutions on how to deal with a problem. It varies because of one’s unique experience, and we cannot tell who is correct or whose method is the best. But when compared, every solution has its own advantage. In my opinion, it is wise for us to consider various views and take their advantages in our own.

  To conclude, both equivalent views and contradicting views, although in different cases, benefit us equally. Judging from all evidence offered, we may arrive at the conclusion that every one has his advantage, and every point of view is better than others to some extent, we should take all advantages in our own and make us more intelligent. (380 words)




  还有文章可以再写深入一些。比如the interrelationship between similar views and contradicting views......



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