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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英文流行金曲:我想得到你的爱

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/12/02 10:20  北京青年报

  加拿大女歌手沙尼娅-土温(Shania Twain)是当今唱片销量最多的乡村音乐女歌手,身为音乐制片人的丈夫是她成功之路上最值得感谢的人。(拨打1601199再拨54489可听)

  (I) don't want you for the weekend, don't want you for a night. / I'm only interested if I can have you for life. / I know I sound serious. Well, baby, I am! / You're a fine piece of real estate and I'm going to get me some land! / So don't try to run, honey. Love can be fun. / There's no need to be alone when you find that someone.

  I'm going to get you, while I('ve) got you in sight. / I'm going to get you, (even) if it takes all night. / Yeah. you can... (I) bet you (that) by the time I say go, / you'll never say no. / I'm going to get you - it's a matter of fact! /I'm going to get you. Don't you worry about that! / You can bet your bottom dollar (that) in time / you're going to be mine. / Just like I should, I'll get you good…


英文流行金曲--Die another day (2002/11/18 09:58)
英文流行金曲:Graduation/毕业 (2002/08/13 09:47)



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