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人工调“味” “精”得起考验(下)
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/12/13 11:48  空中美语




  Disturbingly, scientists have known since the 1960s that MSG kills brain cells in young animals. Further research suggested that MSG may also be responsible for ailments ranging from skin rashes to irregular heartbeat and depression.

  Baby food manufacturers agreed to take MSG out of their products in the 1970s, but it is still widely used in other foods. This is because MSG is a cost-effective way of simulating great taste. If you're making a chicken stew but can't afford a whole chicken, why not use a little chicken and a lot of MSG?

  Reports vary on just what percentage of the population is sensitive to MSG. One researcher put the figure as high as 30%, but food industry-sponsored studies have suggested it is as low as 1-2%. Consumer groups in the USA campaign regularly against its use, but for many of us, MSG will continue to be a part of everyday life. Food, it seems, will always be a matter of personal taste.

人工调“味” “精”得起考验(下)




  More Information仅供参考,不须强记

  1. ailment n.疾病

  2. rash n.皮疹

  3. cost-effective adj.省钱的;划算的

  4. stew n.炖菜

空中美语 专栏
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1. disturbingly

adv. alarmingly; worryingly 使人不安地
There is a disturbingly high number of teenagers who are addicted to cigarettes.

2. range from ... to ...

v. phr. to vary between limits 在某范围内变化
Jessica's musical talents range from singing opera to playing the electric guitar.

3. depression

n. a state of severe unhappiness lasting over a long period of time; low mood 沮丧
Harold's depression lifted after his overseas girlfriend sent him a letter.

4. manufacturer

n. a company that produces goods (often in a factory) 厂商;制造商
Most of the food manufacturers still add MSG into their food.

5. sponsor

v. to financially support a person or organization 赞助;提供
Tiger Woods is sponsored by Nike-that's why he wears their shoes and clothes when he golfs.

6. campaign

v. to fight (for sth.); to battle 作战;争取
Marguerite campaigned for a higher allowance until her parents agreed to give her an extra 100 dollars a week.


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