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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英国设计师用头发做内衣(附图)

Makes Bra And Knickers From Human Hair
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/12/24 10:39  金羊网-新快报

  A lingerie designer has created a matching bra and knickers out of human hair and is selling them for£2,000 a set.

  Spanish-born Jose Monino said: "I was working with hair extensions and plaiting some strands when it poppedsintosmy head that it might be possible to weave something more complicated.

  "The idea appealed to me so I started playing around with a few possibilities - and the idea for hair underwear was born."

  Monino told German paper Express that the underwear was so expensive because it was very time consuming to make.

  The hair had to be washed thoroughly several times and then woven together. This was particularly difficult because many hairs were always lost at this stage.

  He added: "It means that from 300 grams of hair only 100 grams of woven hair can be produced, a process which takes two to three weeks. The underwear is then sewn together."






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