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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英文流行金曲:I get along/没你也能活

英文流行金曲:I get along/没你也能活
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/12/25 10:06  北京青年报

  英国二人组合宠物店男孩(Pet Shop Boys)已度过了18年的乐坛生涯,如今都过了而立之年,但魅力与年龄俱增,并不断推出新曲.

  [I’m] feeling like I'm stuck in a hole, body and soul, / while you're out of control. / Now I know why you had to go. / Well, I think we both know why it had to be so.

  I've been trying not to cry / when I'm in the public eye, / stuck here with the shame / and taking my share of the blame, / while making sudden plans that don't include you. I get along without you very well. / I get along very well.

  Now I know you'd much rather be / with rock royalty instead of someone like me. / The big boys are back and we need them, you said. / [I] think it was something you'd read / and it stuck in your head, / even though I don't suppose / [that] that's as far as it goes. / You've got quite an appetite / for being wronged and in the right. / Well, from now on it won't affect me.

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英文流行金曲:Graduation/毕业 (2002/08/13 09:47)



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