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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 英文流行金曲:Feel/感受

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/12/31 16:12  北京青年报

  罗比-威廉斯(Robbie Williams)是英国最知名的歌手之一。他最初是肥皂剧的演员,后转入歌坛,不久便在欧洲享有盛誉,很快打入美国市场。

  Come on, hold my hand. / I want to contact the living. / [I'm] not sure [that] I understand / this role I've been given. I sit and talk to God / and He just laughs at my plans. / My head speaks a language / [that] I don't understand.

  ●I just want to feel real love, / feel the home that I live in, / 'cause I['ve] got too much life / running through my veins, / going to waste./●

  I don't want to die / but I ain't keen on living either. / Before I fall in love, / I'm preparing to leave her.

  I scare myself to death - / that's why I keep on running. / Before I've arrived, / I can see myself coming.


  And I need to feel real love / and a life ever after. / I cannot give it up…



英文流行金曲:I get along/没你也能活 (2002/12/25 10:06)
英文流行金曲:Landslide/滑坡 (2002/12/16 10:11)
英文流行金曲:The zephyr song (2002/12/09 10:33)
英文流行金曲:我想得到你的爱 (2002/12/02 10:20)
英文流行金曲--Die another day (2002/11/18 09:58)
英文流行金曲:Graduation/毕业 (2002/08/13 09:47)



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