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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 《英语学习》2002年12期 > 星满夜空

Starry Night
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/02 11:13  《英语学习》

  Starry, starry night,

  Paint your palette blue and grey,

  Look out on a summer's day,

  With eyes that know the darkness in my sowl.

  Shadow's on the hills, sketch the trees and daffodils.

  Catch the breeze and the winter chills,

  In colours on the snowy linen land.

  Now I understand what you tried to say to me.

  How you suffered for your sanity,

  How you tried to set them free.

  They will not listen, they did not know how.

  Perhaps they'll listen now.

  Starry, starry night,

  Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,

  Swirling clouds in violet haze,

  Reflect Vincent's eye of China blue.

  Colours?changing hue, morning fields of amber grain.

  Weathered face lined in pain,

  Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.

  For they could not love you,

  But still your love was true,

  And when no hope was left inside on that starry, starry night,

  You took your life as lovers often do.

  But I could have told you, Vincent,

  This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.

  Starry, starry night,

  Portraits hang in empty halls,

  Frameless heads on nameless walls,

  With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.

  Like the strangers that you're met,

  The ragged men in ragged clothes,

  The silver thorn of bloody rose,

  Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

  Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,

  How you suffered for your sanity,

  How you tried to set them free.

  They would not listen, they'ree not listening still

  Perhaps they never will.


  Don McLean的一首Starry Night旋律优美,蕴意深刻,语气真挚、坦诚。



  But I could have told you , Vincent,This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.


  Vincent ( Vincent van Gogh,梵高)是19世纪下半叶一位荷兰画家。





  作者所用的beautiful一词远远超出了一般情况下美丽的意思,应是光芒四射,令人折服。说到这里,想顺便提一下beautiful的名词形式beauty。它可以表示“好哇、好极了,”在有些场合下也有“美人”的意思。例如:你买了一辆车,越看越满意,可以说My car is a real beauty.。


  Paint your palette blue and grey使我们想起梵高的自画像:梵高手持画笔,面对画板,正在用蓝、灰两色绘出他独有的、呼之欲出的星空。这星空说出了梵高郁闷的情怀,引起了作者的共鸣。第三行是景色的描写。最后一行中的linen一般用来修饰桌布,通常为白色,也正是雪的颜色。

  第二段的两行:How you suffered from your sanity, How you tried to set them free.是作者在告诉梵高:你的痛苦我充分理解,我也知道你是在用你特有的方式把它们释放出来。


  第三段与第一段的首行相同,均为Starry, starry night,但增添了新的内容,是除《星空》以外梵高其他名作的介绍,包括光彩夺目却又似在呐喊的向日葵枝叶、花瓣,急促、富有动感的漩涡似的云层、星空;恰似一匹难以驾驭的脱缰的野马,而远非恬静的田野。

  flaming, swirling两个表示动作的现在分词在前,blaze, haze两个表示明暗的词在后,交织出一幅令人眩晕的景象。flower, clouds / blaze, haze / blue, hue这一对对韵味浓厚的词把人带到了梵高的《月下丝柏》、《丝柏和花的树》的意境中去,也带到了梵高反映农民生活的作品《阿尔收割季节》、《播种者》、《点种》的场景中去。

  Weathered face lined in pain,Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.


  下一段则把我们从室外带到了室内。人们不禁想起梵高的《在阿尔的梵高卧室》,《吃土豆的人》等作品。empty, nameless这两个字带给人们的联想是孤独,苦涩,不为他人所同情和理解。eyes that watch and never forget让你看到的是呆滞的眼神,木然的表情。这些来自于沉重的劳动,贫苦的生活以及不公正的世道。这里的肢体是麻木的,房间是空荡荡的,劳动者应有的权利是被剥夺了的。请看下面这句:

  The silver thorn of bloody rose,Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.


  Perhaps they never will.这首诗歌的结束之句竟会如此短促,如此突然,不协调。这种效果倒更像现代音乐作品的尾音,作者以隐喻的手法,沉重地道出了他感伤的情怀及对梵高的追思。

《英语学习》2002年12期 专题
《日本时报》前主编访谈录(2002/12/31/ 12:05)



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