
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > TOEFL > 2002年9月托福考试语法题讨论

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/06 10:53  寄托天下



  Many scientists believe_____as a result of a collision between the newly formed Earth and a large asteroid.

  A. that the Moon was formed

  B. in that the Moon was frmed

  C.that the Moon formed was

  D.when the Moon was fromed

  The organ-pipe cactus is _____ in th United states.

  A.rare that

  B.it rare

  C.so that rare


  Willa Cather,_____, gained recognition for her books concerning the American frontier.

  A.a novelist and pulitzer pprizewinning

  B.a Pulitzer prizewinning novelist

  C.a Pulitzer prizewinning novelist who

  D.was a PUlitzer prizewinning novelist

  The average wavelength of visible light is 2,000 times _____ the diameter of an atom.

  A. much as

  B. as great

  C. greater than

  D. more than that

  _____ ants libe in nests, which may be located in the fround, under a rock, or built above ground and may be made of twigs, sand, or gravel.

  A. Most

  B. The most of

  C. Most of

  D. Of the most

  The banking systems of the world have many similarities, _____ they alsp differ, sometimes in quite material respects.

  A. of which

  B. in spite of

  C. but




  Learning that takes place in infancy provides the____ for the eventual transformation of a child into an adult.

  A. foundation is necessary

  B. necessary foundation is

  C. necessary in the foundation

  D. foundationh necessary

  In the late 1930's adn early 1940's, Jacob Lawrence created many paintings _____ the lives of famous African American activists.

  A. Portayed

  B. portrayed them

  C.that they portrayed

  D. that portrayed

  The Centennial Exposition, _____ in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1876, celebrated the one-hundredth anniversary of th Declaration of Independence. A. was held B. to be held C. held D. by holding

  In the dark abyss of the deep sea _____ is produced by luminescent fish. A. because the only light

  B. the only light

  C. the only light that

  D. is the only light

  The classic American novel Moby Dick____ an account of the conflict between human beings and their fate.

  A.may be regarded as

  B as may be regarded

  C.regarded as may be

  D.regarded may as be

  In the metals industry, hydrogen is used to prevent metals from tarnishing while undergoing_____.

  A. treated by heat

  B. heat treatments

  C. by heat treatments

  D. heat-treated


  1. The Executive Mansion, (Constructed) in the 1790's (and) now (popularly) called the White House, (is oldest) public edifice in Washington D.C.

  2. (Inventor Elisha Graves Otis designed the first elevator (that it incorporated) an automatic brake, which in turn (led to) the (development) of the skyscraper.

  3.(Although) the term "corrosion" applies omstly to metals and particularly to (their reaction) to oxygen, all (material) are subject to (surface deterioration.)

  4.The chief (commercial source of bromine is ocean water, from (what) the element is extracted by (means of) chemical (replacement) by chlorine.

  5. (Like) Jupiter (and) Earth, Saturn (is) flattened at (a) poles.

  6. All (living) things are (made up of) one or more cells, and each of these cells (were) produced by an (already existing) cell.

  7. (It is) believed that some dinosaurs were intelligent, (ability) to perform complex activities, and perhaps (even) capable of (social) behavior.

  8. Unique (among) bivalves, scallops swim extremely (well), propelled by jets of water expelled while (snapped) the shell (shut).





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