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风筝拉雪橇 穿越南极大陆
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/07 10:08  北京青年报

  DUBLIN (Reuters) - Two Irishmen are seeking to become the first people to cross the Antarctic on sledges pulled by large kites. Brian Cunningham, 59, and Jamie Young, 52, flew to the South Pole on Sunday and were to begin the 1000-km journey on Monday from the South Pole to Patriot Hills at the edge of Antarctica, Cunningham's wife Christine told Reuters. "It's been a stressful two weeks, not knowing when they would start, but they called last night by satellite phone to say they had finally got a plane to the pole," Christine said.

  Their lightweight sledge-like buggies, made of titanium and aluminum alloys and capable of speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour, were designed by an engineer with the Williams Formula 1 motor racing team, Kieron Bradley. Cunningham and Young are confident there will be enough wind to keep them moving. Each will be carrying five kites of different sizes to make best use of the breezes.

  The expedition has been timed to coincide with the Antarctic midsummer, giving them 24-hour sunlight that will enable them to travel for up to 18 hours a day. However, they will still have to endure temperatures of around -20 degrees Celsius. They expect to complete their journey across Antarctica in under 14 days, as opposed to①around 60 days for a conventional dog-and-man-hauled sledge expedition. The duo hope their journey will establish "kite-buggies" as a new means for exploring polar regions.

风筝拉雪橇 穿越南极大陆







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