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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 我的正面是善良 另一面是邪恶

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/07 13:01  空中美语




  “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”is a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. It is the story of a man who tries to separate2 the two sides of his nature (天性). The good side is Dr. Jekyll. The dark side is Mr. Hyde.

  At first, the people who know Jekyll and Hyde do not understand that they are the same3 person. All they know is that Dr. Jekyll does good things, and Mr. Hyde does terrible things. For example,4 Hyde hurts a young girl in the street, but Jekyll gives money to her family.

我的正面是善良 另一面是邪恶

  《化身博士》也可译作《变身怪医》,这个故事的主角哲基尔医生,由于内心长期的压抑及郁闷(long term repression and boredom),而发明了一种神奇的化学药物(magic potion)。他把自己当作这种药物的实验对象,于是他摇身一变,变成了邪恶卑鄙的海德先生。哲基尔医生本来是企图通过这样的变化来解放自己,没想到后来却一发不可收拾。这种变身是善恶交战的一种体现,也是真实生活中人性的缩影。



空中美语 专栏
They're trying to push it through(2003/01/07/ 09:49)
Hold one's tongue/保持沉默(附讲解)(2003/01/07/ 09:47)
我们正未雨绸缪(2003/01/06/ 10:25)
Come to blows/开始互殴(附语音讲解)(2003/01/06/ 10:22)
每日一句讲解:他为人正直(2003/01/03/ 09:43)
Shoo-in/必胜者(附语音讲解)(2003/01/03/ 09:39)


1. case

n. 案例
There were many cases of things being stolen at the school.

2. separate

v. 分开(离)
The teacher tried to separate the two bad students.

3. same

adj. 相同的
My sister and I went to the same high school.

4. for example

adv. phr. 例如
Vivian likes to exercise. For example, she likes to dance on the street.


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