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Woman Says Her Hair Can Predict Snow
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/09 10:53  金羊网-新快报

  A Somerset woman claims she can tell if it's going to snow because her hair stands on end.

  Carole Pearse says her scalp starts tingling when snow is on the way. The 52-year-old from Minehead first noticed the phenomena in 1963 when her family were snowed in for three months on their farm, says The Sun.

  Experts say it's caused by a build-up of ions in the cold, dry air which precedes snow.

  The Met Office said: "Carole's hair is responding to sound scientific principles."

  Carole, a mother of three said: "I get a build-up of static and my hair crackles when I brush it. It depends on the atmospheric pressure and how fast the snow is moving, but it normally happens a couple of days before a fall.

  "We had snow last Boxing Day and I forecast that. But right now my hair is flat as anything."







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