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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/16 10:27  寄托天下

  I have finished my TOEFL test on Jan.12 with a satisfied score.

  During the time that I was preparing for TOEFL, I was benefited a lot from the suggestion listed by the people who attended the test. Considering that many people take TOEFL CBT for the first time like me, here I'd like to share my experiences below, hope it is helpful to you.

  以往经验中说机经或备考经验的有许多,所以,我只是侧重应试要注意的问题,看完此文,你基本对TOEFL CBT考试及注意事项会有足够的认识。个中有些观点比较个人,虽然我认为很正确,仅供参考。

  First of all, I am really sorry that my Chinese typing is extremely slow, thus I have to type most of my words in English.


  * Besides arriving earlier than half an hour and bringing 2 of your ID, you'd better to bring your confirmation No. as well.

  In my case, they made a little error in my personal information therefore can't justify my test eligibility. Fortunately, I put a sticker with confirmation No. on my passport, so finally find my information out.

  * Before testing, the steps you should follow are:

  - Put your personal belonging into the lockers

  - Sign up for your attendance

  - Make a statement promising not to reveal any of test content and sign your name

  - Give the statement to the officer and wait until you are called.

  (For anyone who wants to take a rest instead of taking test soon, you'd better to sign up your attendance or hand in your statement later.)

  - When you are called, they will check your ID again, ask you to double check your personal information and take your photo. After that, you are IMMEDIATELY allowed into the room to start the test. (That's why if you'd like to take a rest, you have to arrange it before this step.)


  At the beginning of the test, you will be shown some introduction such as how to use mouse etc. There is a small button "Quit", you can press it to enter the next part. Just feel free to press it to skip the introduction if you don't want to see. (For me, I don't know it before. When I press the "quit", worrying about making mistakes, I really feel pressured.)


  After you skip the introduction of the beginning, you will enter the tutorials for Listening, which is important so can not be dismissed. When the time you are reading the tutorials, you'd better to find whether most of testers in the same line as yours has arrived, because their attendance might dilute your listening concentration. If only few people have arrived, you can read your tutorials slowly to extend the time. When the time to adjust the volume of the earphone, remember to make the volume "one click" LOUDER than the one you like. Because in the actual test, the volume is a little bit lighter than what the testing voice is.

  Many people don't notice that the volume can also be adjust through旋纽on both the left and the right of the earphone. I would say, they are very useful to adjust the voice balance, rather than increase or reduce the volume. Adjust voice balance is also very important, which can fit your daily habit very well.

  When you enter the part试听,began to practice your concentration. Because it takes a little time for you to enter a good status for listening, this part is really a good beginning to be fully utilized. For me, I thought that I have to save some energy for the real test, so just try to be relaxed during this part. Actually I was wrong at that time. Just like before running, you have to warm up first.

  When the moment the real test started, the volume of the earphone will suddenly back to be very small. Don't be shocked at that time, just re- adjust the volume by clicking the volume arrow. You can finish it in a few seconds because you needn't to adjust the balance of the volume again. This adjusting time was included in the total listening time.

  After finishing adjusting the volume, DISMISS the direction immediately! There is a square button on the middle of the right side. Press this "dismiss" button to save the time for your listening. During the test, two of the most important things are: highly concentrating (千万不要胡思乱想!!) and memorizing the key points.


  我的考试是:Part A: 19题短对话和Part B: 9个段子题


  我的Part B中有6个是学术形的段子,分别为:天文两个(月亮,Jupiter旁边的asteroid),文化一个(画画的techniques),农业一个(Fish farming),生态学的一个(Lake的生态平衡),考古一个(鉴定古画)。题目一般都是4个一篇,有个别是3个,有一篇5个。有3个是long conversation,校园生活相关的。这种比较简单,而题目只有两个一篇。




  (题外话,跟本文的主题不是那么相关,但是还是想和你们share我的听力三大"黄金原则":Practice these 3 abilities during preparation: Understanding, Concentration and memorizing. 3种能力,缺一不可。在后期准备中,understanding已经没有大问题,锻炼memorizing重点内容尤其重要。考试的段子sometimes unbelievable long, but the questions will still ask something very detail.)


  It's not a big problem to most of the Chinese testers. So I just want to say:

  - When the real test started, dismissed the direction to save the time.

  - Keep a good pace. My total questions are 20 for 15 minutes, same as in PP. My split is 8 minutes for the fist 10 questions, 7 minutes for the last.

  10. I have 2 minutes left after finishing this part.在做题到中间(10题上下)的时候,要用眼睛扫一下左上角的时间,这样,你有足够的空间决定后面的题要加速还是减速。

  - Be careful in the sentence correction, don't make a choice until you have observed all the four choices.




  - After the grammar part, you should rush out to toilet and eat some chocolate whether you have desire or not. Drink a little water if you want, but NOT too much. After that, back quickly, for the break is only 5 minutes.

  - Come in and out the test room, you are required to sign in and out at the entrance.


  - It's very important to keep your pace.



  - When the real test started, dismissed the direction to save the time.

  - Reading的单词机经认为必看,而且在考试前一天一定要review一遍。

  - Reading的理解机经我从来不看,个人认为完全没必要看。


  - You can choose to write in the computer or in the paper. Which one you prefer is depending on your preference. For me, I would prefer computer test for the writing part.

  - When the real test started, dismissed the direction to save the time. I remember you have to click the button TWICE to dismiss the direction, which is different from other parts.

  - Use template

  - It is important to leave about 5 minutes for review the errors of grammar or spelling. During the review, you will also find some transactions in your writing are not smooth.


  - After test, there is a small survey. After that, your score will be shown on the screen. You can decide to keep it or cancel it AFTER viewing it.

  - Then you will be asked whether you would like to choose 4 institutions to send your score or keep it only as personal report.

  - After confirming you want to send the scores to institution, you will enter another part to choose your choices.

  - After finishing the test, you will not have any paper report. (象我就有点傻,waiting there for report after signing out, until the officer tell me that I can go then. ) If you choose computer writing test, you will receive your report 2 weeks later.

  Finally, good luck, everyone!

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