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Seeking for the origin of Chinese legends
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/20 11:04  中国周刊

  Liezi is the title of a classic Chinese book; Liezi is short for Lie Yukou as ancient Chinese classic scholar or writer. Liezi spent his whole life in writing and collecting folk lore during the late period of the Warring-Kingdoms Dynasty(475BC-221BC). His great achievements or contributions to China were about literature and art. There have been classically various kinds of fiction or prose since ancient China including fable, parable, legend, myth, fairy tale, etc. Lie Yukou wrote a lot of fables or legend works, most of which had been lost and not handed down in printing way. It was told that once the Former Han-dynasty History had covered his eight articles compiled in Literature and Art part of category. The titles we know as the Heavenly Luck, the Yellow Emperor, King Mu of the Zhou-dynasty (approximately 1100BC-256BC), Confucius, Interview with Emperor Tang of the Shang-dynasty(approximately 1700BC-1100BC), Hard-Fate, Scholar Yangzhu and Mozi, and On Incantation. There were 134 pieces of independent short stories scattered under the eight-subheads. One of the most famous fables is The Old Fool Moving Mountains, and the other is Two Boys Puzzled Confucius.

  Right now I'd like to paraphrase the story written by Lie Yukou:

  Traveling eastward from his Lu-Kingdom, Confucius met two boys arguing each other. He asked what both of them discussed about. One boy said: I think the sun in the morning looks bigger, and at noon smaller, so the morning sun is nearer to the earth, and farther away from us at noon.? However, the other boy refuted and disagreed with his partner: as everybody knows, the morning sun is cooler, but the sun at noon is hotter or warmer and burns like hot soup, so it must be nearer to the ground at noon than that in the morning.?Confucius hesitated to make sure either boy A or B was right or wrong. Both of the boys laughed at him and derided to say: be all were told that you were rich in knowledge, is that true??

  From the story we learnt that even from the ancient times, some famous Chinese scholars such as Confucius or Mencius paid less attention to researching science of nature but social science. We are proud of four great inventions (gunpowder, compass, paper and art of printing) contributing to mankind but we are still in regret of less modern natural scientific achievements to the world. However, the hard-working Chinese people have been still encouraged by the magic power from the ancient fable, The Old Fool Would Move Mountains. Following his never-changed will, we could do much more in natural science , too.

  Sometimes when you'd like to make some research on the Chinese people's mentality or psychology, you just know which one they like best in uncountable classic traditional stories, you'll get some idea about the people's character or traditional thinking, even their outlook of the world.

  Nobody could not tell the fable that the Old Fool Would Move Mountains in China. If you didn't have some idea about the fable, you wouldn't understand why the Chinese people were so tough, so patient, so undaunted that they could hardly stop fighting or laboring in spite of all setbacks thousands of years. It's the Old Fool that has encouraged them to work harder and harder.

  The general plot of the fable is as follows:

  Long long ago, there were two great mountains that prevented the Old Fool from going back and forth in front of his home. The Old Fool took careful consideration of a plan and decided to move the two great mountains. However, everyone laughed at him, especially the Old Wise derided him, too. It's impossible for you to do so.?But the Old Fool didn't care of the others?mock and negative attitude towards him. He kept on digging and shoveling days and nights. Affirmatively he replied to those who were against him with his ever-lasting speech: It must be successful in moving the mountains for I will keep on doing until I die. And then my son will go on with his own son instead, as my grandson, great grandson, great great-grandson. My grandson will have his own son with his own grandson and great grandson and the like. That is, I will be in succession of son, grandson, great-grandson, and great great-grandson consecutively. From generation to generation, we will never stop moving the mountains until they turn flat. And the two great mountains are still in the same height without growing up, why couldn't we move them out of our home gate? The Old Fool with his indomitable ambition moved gods in the heaven that sent two sons with universal strength to carry two great mountains on their back and make them stand up in other mountain area far away from the Old Fool home.

  Chairman Mao Zedong quoted the fable's idea or spirit to call all the Chinese people to overcome every difficulty to win one victory after another as the Old Fool did in his speech of closing ceremony of the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party of China on June 11th, 1945. Chairman told us we would move the god, that is, the Chinese people. be resolute, fear no sacrifice, surmount every difficulty to win victories as a common slogan still with a great power to inspire us to work hard and march on and on.

  A great nation needs greatly magic fables or other forms of literature and art. We Chinese people have benefited very much from our classic literary works, which will still help our foreign friends understand the Chinese people's humane inner world and their thinking habit.

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