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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/22 10:24 无忧雅思网 |
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V104刚在中国大陆考过,近期考的可能不大。请大家重点看其他版本。我个人观点,新题全部出现应该还需要3-4个轮次,估计要到2月底。要比较准确的预测作文版本,最早也得到3月份。不过,大家看看新版本总是有用的。 V104 Task 1 是一个比较印度洋两国Madagascar和Mauritius1999年相关数据的表格: surface area(km2):前者比后者大很多 population(thousands):前者比后者大很多 GDP(US$ per capita):前者比后者小很多 growth rate of population:前者比后者大很多 enrolment of school:分两项进行比较 primary前者97%左右,后者达到100% secondary前者比后者小很多 结论:从这两国来看,人口越多的国家,生活水平相对低。 Task 2 Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, and the protection is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Wild animals have no place in 21st century. Some people think that prevent these wild animals from dieing out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this. V105 Task 1 4 charts比较政府经费分配 Task 2 汽车的利弊,以个人知识何经验作答, V108 Task 1 is flow chart about the national park in USA after the fire disaster, the trees refresh the environment 300 plus years period。 是讲在美国黄石公园的一次火灾后,森林的生长情况。 Task 2 is about there a gap of living in cities and countryside. what is the reasons in your country how can reduce the difference 是说在城市和乡间和范围发展越来越大?是否在你的国家也一样?有什么不同? V109 Task 1 一个表格,说的是英国从1912,193几年,197几年,和2001年,男的和女的活到100岁的人数; 表格分为三行,四列,第一行是male,第二行是female,第三行是total列,就是以上的几个时间段,很简单,越靠近现代,人的寿命月长。 Task 2 The computer are widely used in education,and some people think teacher are not play important role in the classroom . To what extend do you agree? V120 Task 2 What are the purposes of places such as museums and how should they be funded? V121 Task 1 是:有两个图,第一个图是两个PIE,是说男人和女人在选择PARTTIME JOB和FULL TIME JOB的不同比例.第二幅图是chart(竖条那种)讲的是男人和女人工作小时的不同. Task 2 Some people think visitors to others countries should imitated local custom and behaviors. some people disagree, they think the host country should welcome culture different. 发信人:wasteman |
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