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Pound Wise and Penny Foolish
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/22 11:27  东方网-文汇报

  Albert Einstein was a genius in science,but he did not care about everyday things. For instance,he often wore a suit without a tie,and he even went to class in slippers. So there are a lot of anecdotes about him. The following story is one of them.

  One day,Einstein went to the kitchen to help his wife with cooking. He was irritated to tears when peeling onions. His wife told him that it would be far more comfortable to peel onions in water.

  A moment later,his wife noticed that Einstein had disappeared. After failing to find him in sitting room,study or bedroom,she was so anxious that she rushed out to the yard and shouted,″Albert,Albert!″

  Just then,Einstein emerged from the swimming pool and said,″You told me,it's more comfortable to peel onions in water;I carried out the experiment,only to find I couldn't even open my eyes,or even breathe. You fooled me…″

大事聪明 小事糊涂








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