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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 缅怀马丁-路德-金先生(下)

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/23 13:01  空中美语




  While Abraham Lincoln had abolished slavery in America a hundred years before, blacks were still largely treated as second-class citizens in 1955. Not only could black Americans not vote, but they couldn't attend the same schools as whites, or eat with them at many restaurants. American blacks resented the unequal treatment, but most tolerated it-until a black woman named Rosa Parks did the unthinkable by refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus to a white passenger.

  When Parks was arrested, outraged blacks in Montgomery boycotted the local transportation company, and the American Civil Rights Movement was born. Martin Luther King Jr. quickly took charge of the movement, and with his eloquence and powerful philosophies, he was the ideal leader. Under his leadership, the movement mushroomed to mass marches against city and state governments. Everywhere, black Americans began protesting, and anything from separate lunch areas in the workplace to white-only schools was fair game.




  More Information 仅供参考,不须强记

  1. abolish v.废除;废止

  2. eloquence n.雄辩;口才

  3. mushroom v.迅速增加

  4. fair game n.受抨击或攻击的对象

空中美语 专栏
Time is of the essence(2003/01/24/ 09:59)
Pass the buck/推卸责任(2003/01/24/ 09:57)
She did it after a fashion(2003/01/23/ 09:48)
Palm off...on/以废品欺骗(2003/01/23/ 09:46)
It cramped her style(2003/01/22/ 09:57)
Throw one out/逐出(附语音讲解)(2003/01/22/ 09:55)


1. resent

v. to feel bitter or angry about sth. that sb. else has or can do 怨恨;愤恨
Alice resented her brother for being allowed to stay up late when she was not.

2. tolerate

v. to allow sth. to continue happening even if one does not approve 容忍
Joan could no longer tolerate her noisy neighbors, so she decided to move.

3. outrage

v. to be very surprised and angry 激怒
Everyone was outraged when the president announced that he would be raising taxes.

4. boycott

v. to refuse to use, buy or participate in sth. for a particular purpose 抵制
Many consumers have boycotted the shoe company for using child labor in Third World countries.

5. leadership

n. the state of being in control of a group of people or an organization 领导
Vincent's weak leadership resulted in many quarrels on the team.

6. protest

v. to publically criticize, complain about or act against sth. 抗议
Kim protested her parents' decision to ground her by playing music very loudly in her bedroom.


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